Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Women of Courage" Awards and the "TRUMP SANDWICH" lunch

“Wherever women are diminished, the entire world is diminished with them.”


It insults my intelligence to watch Melania Trump hypocritically pander one day later, after her husband's official spokesman carelessly demeaned and insulted a woman working inside the confines of his professional career, in a different kind of audience, witnessed by the world. Sean Spicer owes this woman, April Ryan, a public apology,...we will see if that happens. 

Her husband's office of POTUS, places her in important, impressive and glamorous social circles that offer various social platforms meant to appeal to wealthy women and their proteges. It is shameful that FLOTUS Melania Trump, can stand spewing obviously hypocritically insincere moral platitudes to another kind of audience, who happen to shamelessly drink her liquidized baloney ridden speech.I guess it does prove that Melania Trump does possess courage, alright,...but that kind of courage, is reprehensible. 

I am glad that there was a group of steely spirited and truly courageous women, who well deserve genuine praise and emotional support from the lips of all women,.. receive hard-earned recognition!  

Every time I watch Melania Trump talk on television, it conjures up images of a beautiful Russian "Stepford" Wife or an actress playing a Russian female spy starring in another "James Bond 007", movie reading a well-rehearsed script designed to win an Academy Award in Hollywood. When the Hollywood credits roll at the end of the show, Melania Trump will be credited with a convincing star performance in a supporting role. She might even get her own brass star on the Hollywood walk of fame. I think it really is a feat to be the last wife of Herr Comb-Over. 

I remain amazed, because she is a beautiful and glamorous 46 year old, "TROPHY WIFE", married to a wealthy, misogynistic, hedonistic, narcissistic 70 year old(shticky) orange comb-over, that enables her to have the audacity to spout such a pile of "HYPOCRITICAL TRIPE!"   

It is a sad display of a perfect verbal tribute given to deserving women from all over the world, being minimized by a woman reading from a teleprompter, whose husband's official White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, did commit exactly that same offense on a world televised, White House Press Conference, yesterday!!! 

Granny Annie's Politic Cafe will be copying and serving Balogna Sandwiches for lunch in honor of FLOTUS Melania Trump.  

 Olive Leaf Gourmet deli in Bedford-Stuyvesant is serving a

Bed-Stuy deli Olive Leaf Gourmet is serving up a Trump sandwich, packed full of baloney, Russian dressing and American cheese on white bread with a "small pickle" on the side.

                                             "Boner Appertite!"

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