Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Uncle Pug Sounds The Alarm..

Well, ignoring federal laws of anti-nepotism, must be no big deal... as today, the White House has proudly announced, that Ivanka Trump will be working in the West Wing, professionally advising her father, in the capacity of an Official Senior Advisor.

If my country cousin named "Uncle Pug", lived in Washington, D. C., I can imagine hearing him facetiously announce the First Daughter's official position as the Presidents Senior Adviser. Uncle Pug had his own keenly witty and charmingly woodsy parlance of hillbilly speak. He would aptly warn the cousins, to,,..."RELEASE THE HOUNDS!...A NEW FOX DONE SNUCK IN THE WHITE HEN HOUSE, AND IT'S WEARIN' A SKIRT!

I hope "Time" magazine will commission some witty artist to draw a political comic strip or caricature of this White House announcement to grace the cover. Time magazine is an American institution and an icon in an era of news magazine media, originally founded by Henry Luce. I hope this comic magazine cover, will find an honored place among the other "Great" magazines of the day, in the archives of modern history! If not, and since Mad Magazine no longer exists, then maybe, after all the criminal investigations are concluded, it will find a place on a "Wanted" poster in your local Post Office.

It's getting late and the blue blanket of the stratosphere has covered the sky. It's been a long day and Granny Annie will be serving her beloved Grandpoppy, a yummy late night snack before bedtime.

                           "Good Night" and "Boner Appertite!"


The New York Times

"Ivanka Trump, Shifting Plans, Will Become a Federal Employee"

By Rachel Abrams and Maggie Haberman
March 29, 2017

Ivanka Trump, elder daughter of Pres. Trump, is becoming an official government employee, joining her husband in serving as an unpaid advisor in the White House.

Ms. trump already has an office in the West Wing, and she available to her previously.”id last week that she would serve as an informal adviser to her father. That plan prompted criticism from ethics experts, who said it would allow her to avoid some rules and disclosures.

“I have heard the concerns some have with my advising the president in my personal capacity while voluntarily complying with all ethics rules, and I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees,” Ms. Trump said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Throughout this process I have been working closely and in good faith with the White House counsel and my personal counsel to address the unprecedented nature of my role,” she said.

Ms. Trump’s title will be assistant to the president. Her husband, Jared Kushner, has the title of senior adviser.“We are pleased that Ivanka Trump has chosen to take this step in her unprecedented role as first daughter and in support of the president,” a spokeswoman for the president said in an email. “Ivanka’s service as an unpaid employee furthers our commitment to ethics, transparency, and compliance and affords her increased opportunities to lead initiatives driving real policy benefits for the American public that would not have been available to her previously.” Ms. Trump's lawyer, Jamie S. Gorelick, said that her decision stemmed from "her commitment to compliance with federal ethics standards and her openness to opposing points of view."

"She will file the financial disclosure forms required of federal employees and be bound by the same ethics rules that she had planned to comply with voluntarily," Ms. Gorelick said.

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