Saturday, March 4, 2017

America's Famous Twitter-in-Chief Begins New Tirade...ugh!!!

I woke up this morning gently removing myself from the warm, clean sheets and my beloved "Grandpoppy's" backside torso to wiggle my feet into soft pink woolly house slippers. Softly shuffling to the kitchen, I prepared my beloved 1960's Jet-O-Matic Pot-Bellied Percolator, for my return visit. I love the smell of rich bodied, fresh ground hot coffee in the morning to gently awaken and prepare my senses for the onslaught of the daily perverted world around me.
When I returned to my small, but comforting kitchen for my morning coffee, I turned on the television to watch this morning's news.
Lord,...Trump must have either found his hidden phone or the key to the locked box it was hidden inside of, to begin tweeting another shocking new tirade to be recorded in America's Presidential history. Trump revealed another abusive offense on his list of delicate and paranoid sensitivities to the world. This has become the common behavior of America's elected leader of the "Free World". Crazily enough this morning, I'm feeling held embarrassingly hostage to a mad man's rant. This man NEEDS a psychiatric evaluation ASAP!!!
Yes, sir...I've said it before, and I'll say it again..."It should be a mandatory requirement for anyone choosing to run for the office of President, to have a psychiatric evaluation by a committee of 3 board certified (ABPN) Psychiatrists to determine their mental/emotional competency of candidates, before actually being elected for the office."
If a person has to pass a test to obtain a valid, state-issued drivers license to operate a vehicle, that has the possibility of killing them and everyone else around them, why shouldn't the single most powerful man in the chair of the highest office of any country in the world, holding the nuclear codes that could decimate the entire world, be required to take a mental/emotional competency test???
This man is either trying to deflect attention from his own misdeeds or he is completely UNHINGED!!! us!

Granny Annie's Politic Cafe will be serving a fresh brewed pot of Tetley Chamomile herbal tea for jangled nerves with slices of honey-buttered toast, scrambled cheesy eggs and crisp slices of fresh bacon for breakfast.

                                                           "Boner Appertite!"

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