Monday, March 13, 2017

"1984" Prophecy: It sells for 5x's the original price.

Good afternoon!  I was recently reminded about the prophetic warnings written by George Orwell in his book called, "1984". I loved reading that book years ago, but I didn't really think it would materialize in my small hometown, in my lifetime.  Even though, Mr. Orwell's prophecies  have only just begun to materialize on a national scale in 2017, I fear what the future years will bring.

You know, there are not many things that can increase in value at 5x's the original price in 40 years,... but I think I found one.

If I had known back in 1975 that the book I was required to read and write a term paper exam on in school, would be worth about 5x's the price I paid for it now; I would have kept that book packed away like a desperate hoarder in the middle of an obsessive, compulsive panic attack for 42 years, instead of selling it at my mother's garage sale years ago for 25 cents. The book was a hard cover copy of "1984" by George Orwell.

I've re-purchased that book now and am determined to keep it packed away like a crazed hoarder for posterity. The only problem is that the third party book seller, sure is taking their sweet time delivering it. I called my online book seller today and complained that I still haven't received it and its been a month since I purchased it. The nice lady in customer service asked me to be patient and she would contact the appropriate parties to see what the hold up had been and then send me the information.

I told her to tell them, that I was willing to meet them at the nearest Butterfield Stage Coach Outpost to pick it up. She wasn't as amused by my response, as I was offering it. At any rate, if it doesn't arrive by next month, I guess I'll have to round up a posse of literary groupies to commandeer it from Amazon, or accept the outside possibility that I got screwed and demand an impatient refund.

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