Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Sound the Alarm...Trumps hair must be on fire!

Here are 42 of President Donald Trump's planned EPA budget cuts

President Donald Trump's planned cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency would slash its workforce by almost 3,000 employees and its budget by $2 billion.
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies obtained a copy of the plan and detailed some of the major cuts for The Oregonian/OregonLive. The list is not complete. 
Some agency programs would be cut far more substantially or eliminated altogether.
The Trump budget, the basic outlines of which were revealed Wednesday, is not yet final, and the EPA's new administrator, Scott Pruitt, has cautioned that he will make changes. But it offers the first glimpse into Trump's vision for an agency he has attacked as a job-killer. The EPA did not respond to a call for comment.

Here are 42 programs and funding levels under the Trump proposal. All figures are in millions.
Program                                             2016                          2018                Change
Wetlands (state grants)                       14.7                          10.2                      -31%
Water Pollution Control (state grant)    230                           161                      -30%
US-Mexico border targeted 
watershed (state grant)                          10                               0                    -100%
US-Mexico border (EPA)                          3                        0.275                      -91%
Underground injection (state grants)   10.5                            7.3                      -30%
Tribes-air quality management (state grants)
                                                            12.9                            8.9                      -31%
Tribal general assistance program (state grants)
                                                               65                             46                       -29%
Tribal capacity building (EPA)               14.4                          11.8                      -18%
Toxic substances compliance (state grants)
                                                              4.9                             3.4                      -31%
Targeted airsheds (state grants)              20                               0                    -100%
Sustainable and Healthy Communities (EPA)          
                                                              140                              76                     -46%
Small Minority Business Assistance (EPA)
                                                               1.7                             0.4                     -76%
SF Bay (EPA)                                         4.8                                0                    -100%
Safe & Sustainable Water Resources (EPA)
                                                              107                              70                      -35% 
Right to Know (TRI) (EPA)                    13.9                           10.7                      -23%
Research- chem safety & Sustainability (EPA)
                                                                89                              62                        -30%
Research- Air Climate Energy (EPA)       92                              46                        -50%
Radon (state grants)                                 8                                 0                     -100%
Radon (EPA)                                          2.9                          0.505                       -83% 
Puget Sound (EPA)                                 28                                 2                       -93%
Pesticides Implementation (state grants)
                                                             12.7                              8.8                       -31%
Nonpoint Source Pollution (state grants)
                                                             165                               115                      -30%
Multipurpose grants (state grants)          21                                   0                    -100%
Marine Pollution (EPA)                         10.1                                8.6                     -15%
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (EPA)
                                                             11.3                                   8                     -29%
Lead RRP (EPA)                                   13.3                                9.4                     -29% 
Lead (state grants)                                  14                                 9.8                     -30%
Gulf of Mexico (EPA)                              4.5                                   1                      -78%
Great Lakes Restoration (EPA)              300                                 10                     -97%
Environmental Justice (EPA)                   6.7                                1.5                     -78%
Enviro Education (EPA)                           8.7                             0.555                    -94%
Drinking Water Grants (state grants)      102                                  71                    -30%
Diesel Emission Reduction Act (state grants)
                                                                50                                     0                   -100%
Compliance Monitoring (EPA)                101                                   88                    -13%
Climate Protection (EPA)                         95                                   29                    -69%
Civil Enforcement (EPA)                         171                                 153                    -11%
Chesapeake Bay (EPA)                            73                                    5                     -93%
Brownfields (state grant)                           48                                   33                   -31%
We are living through a time of accelerated change by this President and his cronies that we have never experienced in recent history before now. I hope that the true purposes for these sudden changes in social, judicial, environmental, national defense and private and governmental employment work issues are truly for the benefit of the American citizenry. Otherwise, it will result in nothing but chaos and a fundamental destruction of our government that will be detrimental to America. There are so many different causes that need the oversight of the EPA, that I think it would be reckless to cut federal funding of the EPA and dismantle the department without a proper investigation of exactly what funding is not essential to America's welfare long-term and can be eliminated without harming America.
Why is it so necessary right now to crudely slash so many government programs and departments so quickly without a properly thorough investigation into the long-term effects of eradicating so many, so quickly? 


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