Monday, March 13, 2017

Preet Bharara and Elliott Ness, "The Untouchables"

It's a dark blue velvet night outside, replete with the loud noise of crickets chirping out an opus that sounds like clocks ticking in tandem. There's a chill in the air tonight, I think the puppies will need their sweaters, before I take them for the last run of the night to do their dooty before bedtime. I always enjoy the feeling of a soft fluffy cardigan wrapped around me when we walk through a chilled moon-lit night, my puppies and me. This time of year, you can sniff the burning hickory and oak fragrance wafting through the air, lingering on your clothes and filling your nose with delicate far-off memories of yesteryear.

Grandpoppy and I spent most of the day eating snacks that are bad for you and alternating with fresh baked sticky buns washed down with hot coffee. Later, we decided to round out our diet with dessert by binging on fresh baked sugar cookies dunked in tall glasses of cold milk while watching a marathon of old movies.

Having said that, it brings me to the subject of my post. Grandpoppy wanted to see "The Untouchables" again. I had forgotten about the 1987 movie, "The Untouchables", starring Kevin Costner, Robert De Niro, Sean Connery and Andy Garcia. We both enjoyed watching the feature film again after a 30 year hiatus. It's too bad some movie studio giant doesn't remake a new series spin-off incorporating some Trump drama! It would definitely be a hit, if they had the best Hollywood Writers, Directors, Producers and big name Actors involved in it! The money would follow.

If you watch this feature film again, see if it reminds you of someone in the modern news?

I sincerely hope that Mr. Bharara's lifetime work is destined to be a personal and professional stepping stone to a better place in his life. I hope he can take this disappointment and use it to build an even brighter future. I have learned something quite valuable, on my journey back to God. It is something that goes against man's common wisdom. The lesson is that sometimes, God places road blocks in front of us to slow us down or stop us. Sometimes, it's because he knows that we are on the wrong road. Sometimes it is that road block or opposition that we fight the hardest and need the most, that forces us to correct what is wrong in our lives and damaging to our souls. Sometimes, God wants us to choose a different road, because HE knows that will lead us to our greatest happiness and ultimately, to our life's true destiny.

It is my sincere wish for Preet Bharara's life, that this temporary disappointment, beyond his control, will reveal a brighter future that will outshine this sullied footnote in Trumps chapter of  American history,

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