Saturday, March 11, 2017

Trump's New Doesn't Care Plan

The People Helped by the Republican Health-Care Bill

Though most old and sick people will be worse off under the GOP bill, it might be a boon—real or perceived—for people earning just above the Obamacare subsidy cutoff.
By: Olga Khazan March 7, 2017
House Republicans unveiled Monday the American Health Care Act, their long-promised plan to replace Obamacare. The bill is similar to, and arguably more generous than, a draft that leaked a few weeks ago, and conservative members are already denouncing it as “Obamacare Lite.”
  • Keeps the extremely popular provisions barring insurance companies from discriminating against people because of their preexisting conditions and forces them to continue allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ plans until they’re 26
  • Does away with the much-loathed individual mandate
  • Keeps Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion until 2020
  • Contains tax credits
It’s this last point that will determine whether people on the individual market are richer or poorer under Ryan/Trump/PriceCare than Obamacare. Unlike Obamacare, which determined subsidies for insurance by income, the new plan would weight the tax credits by age and then phase them out in increments by income.


Good morning! Come sit with Granny Annie for a cup of Joe and a delicious breakfast at the Politic Cafe. 

It's a chilly Saturday morning, but the sun's up and sunshine illuminates my little kitchen's corner of the world. Coffee is ready on the stove and Grandpoppy is still snuggled in bed girded with a soft yellow blanket peeking out from under the hem of our homemade quilt, gathered around his shoulders, looking as snug as the proverbial bug in a rug! The puppies are comfortably curled up in their warm little doggy blankets dreaming about their last little meaty dog bone. The morning sun is beaming through the window pane above Grandpoppy's old brown desk, where they like to huddle close to my chair.

This morning,  I woke up thinking about our future healthcare plan acceptance by the masses. Alot depends on what the new ACA plan details reveal about the policy coverage and its deductibles and premiums. These issues will determine whether Americans will welcome and applaud it or criticize it and throw it into the trash bin. Some Senators in Washington D. C. warn that the premiums are projected to triple or quadruple the current insured policy premium charges under Obama's ACA. Several of the Senators in Washington, D. C. have stated that this new ACA plan will benefit the rich and the older, lower income earners will benefit least. They say that the new ACA coverage premiums will be based on age, so the older you are, the less affordable it be for you. Insurance companies want to protect their profits by using age discrimination in figuring their cost analysis for charging health insurance premiums. So exactly what is new about that?

News anchors on tv last night debated what the new name will be for this ACA plan? Will it be called, "The Republican Party Care Plan,  Ryan's Care Plan or Trump Care Plan"?  Grandpoppy heard this drivel and walked away grumbling... "they ought to call it the Trump Doesn't Care Plan!" We believe Trump's main stake in the success of this new plan revolves around Trump's most important Presidential issue to him,...his popularity poll ratings! 

Since the issue of the name, for this new ACA plan won't change me and Grandpoppy's, main issue being affordability,... it doesn't much matter to us, what they call it!

                                                   "Boner Appertite!"

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