Sunday, March 26, 2017

Trump's New Whipping Boy

In the news, today...Judge Jeanine Pirro has asked for Paul Ryan to step down due to losing the vote to repeal Obamacare. What did she think Paul Ryan could do to force everyone to vote for a seriously flawed bill? The crux of the problem here is quite simply that Pres. Trump's mouth wrote a check that neither Paul Ryan nor the U. S. Government, could cash. There's a strong possibility that if America wasn't constantly engaged in decades of war and war mongering,... recklessly squandering America's treasury, we would have a budget surplus. The main problems with passing the Trumpcare bill was #1) it would give unreasonable tax breaks to the rich and #2) it would eliminate approx. 24 million American citizens from purchasing affordable healthcare insurance.  

The real problem with Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, is that he is riding in a horse-drawn wagon with a loose wheel, ready to fall off around the next curve in the road. He would be wise to stop the wagon and dismount. It's completely possible that if he resigns, though unlikely, that Mitch McConnell might volunteer to take his place as Trump's new whipping boy. In which case, that would give Paul Ryan a chance to save himself,... to fight another day.

The night has come and blotted out the light of day, till morning returns to write another page in a chapter of our destiny, on our journey back to God.

Granny Annie has left the night light on and a fresh baked plate of oatmeal raisin cookies with a tall glass of cold milk, on the table for you.

                                                          "Boner Appertite!"  

                                              "Good Night and Sweet Dreams"

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