Thursday, March 23, 2017

Trumpcare and Dr. Seuss

I'm drinking a new blend of coffee this morning, called "Yuban Pacific Coast Blend". It smells delicious and tastes warmly smooth and rich, I hear random birds robustly singing a bipartisan chorus of  "Oh,... what a beautiful morning... Oh,... what a beautiful day"...outside the open window of Grandpoppy's office. The optimistic forte of their chorus, sounds like a musical round of a classical sonata. The sound of their music lulls you into a spirit of unqualified optimism, without cloaked pretension, hidden agenda, nothing but the joy of singing by the birds and the blessing of hearing, by the listeners.

In the news,... this mornings interview on MSNBC with several Congressmen about the upcoming vote on the repeal of Obamacare and the Republican passage of Trumpcare, dominates today's agenda in Washington. Congressional Representative Mark Amodei from Nevada, was impressive to hear. He clearly stated that he was going to vote based on what was good for his constituents, who sent him to Congress, on their behalf and not vote for legislation that superficially cheers  a hollow victory for passage of the President's flawed health care bill. Many Congressmen have suggested that they are being pressured by the President and Paul Ryan to vote "yes", for their sponsored health care bill that has been considered as being prematurely introduced for passage, due to the seriously embedded flaws existing in the bill, that lacks important and carefully planned out provisions for an over-whelming number of older Americans.

We are at a crossroads in government right now. Our legislators must decide in favor of the American taxpayers and what is in their best interest, not what is in the best interest of an egocentric President. Where are the fierce allies crusading for and protecting the best interest and rights of a retiring gray America, hiding right now?

I haven't heard any outcry from AARP! We are constantly bombarded with mail from AARP, inviting us to join their club. We do not see the economic advantage of paying to belong to a club that ignores the concerns of their members,... such as legislation on the issue of healthcare insurance. If AARP,... is the voice for defending the erroneously called "entitlements", to the retiring gray Americans, who have paid into the government out of their every, heavily taxed paycheck they earned during their lifetime, in a promised exchange for healthcare benefits, then...OH,...HELL... IT"S HOPELESS!!!

Are State Representatives and State Senators working in Washington, to legislate on the behalf of the people who gave them their jobs and sent them there, or to legislate bills on behalf of the President's agenda?

By the end of today, ...we will know!!!

Granny Annie offers some "Green Eggs and Ham", for breakfast this morning. This delicacy is philosophically and delightfully served up by Dr. Seuss.

                                                "Boner Appertite!"

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