Friday, March 17, 2017

Trump, Merkel and Kim Jong Un...YIKES!!!

I found a cache of quotes from the vault of America's greatest "Sage of the Stage", below is one of them.

                     "The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath."
                                                                                                           W. C. Fields

In today's news, Trump displayed more of his childishly rude behavior in another embarrassing and appalling display of ungentlemanly like behavior.. Watching Trump try to be Presidential is like watching a dog try to walk on his hind legs; he can do it,  but it's just unnatural! He is an undiplomatic and ill-mannered cad! Philistine!

His rudeness was inexcusable to Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. He refused to even show her the common courtesy of shaking her hand. If he thinks that his mean-spirited nature and petty tyrannical behavior will soon be forgotten by Chancellor Merkel or her German countrymen any day soon,...he will be sadly upbraided.

It was extremely short-sighted for Rex Tillerson, to think he could taunt North Korea with little forethought of consequences, acting as Trumps diplomatic emissary, Tillerson's words may come back to bite America in the butt. If  these undiplomatic taunting words, start an all out war with North Korea sending a nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missile to our shores. The next morning America will wake up to a melted and scorched earth fraught with casualties on the West Coast.  That will be the day when Trump will have to go to Chancellor Merkel, holding his hat in his hand with no political currency accredited to him and beg Germany for help. Trump is steadily alienating every past ally America has ever established a friendly bond with and partnership pursuing policies of peace.

Last time I looked, the country of Chad, on the continent of Africa, may be the only country Trump hasn't threatened to plunder, insulted, bullied or offended,...yet.  Actually,... there may be a few other countries, who view Trump's ignorance of world geography as a blessing. Especially, when you consider that he doesn't know WHO they are or WHERE they're located! The small obscure countries with plunderable natural resources might be curious whether Trump's immigration hit list is organized alphabetically or phonetically?

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