Monday, March 20, 2017

Quick!...Call a Plumber...Trumps Stuck in the Drainpipe

It's a lovely Spring day in the neighborhood. Hawthorne bushes are adorned in new pastoral green shoots birthed between petite pink and white blossoms. The plumes of white artificial clouds streaked the baby blue skies at midday, as a reminder that it was man's ingenuity that manufactured these steel chariots roaring across and piercing through the heavens. Planes flying day and night, at previously unimaginable speeds, during my Grandparents lifetime. I remember attending a "Blue Angel" Air Show, on a sweaty sunny day standing on the tarmac at our local airport with my family. It was a grand show of expert flight maneuvers that both fascinated and impressed everyone, bringing roaring cheers from the crowd, as the jets flew overhead in formation tipping their wings to us mortal men on earth. My Dad marvelled about the feat of man breaking earth's bonds of gravity and especially, Chuck Yeager having broken the sound barrier at Mach 1 on October 14, 1947! I think he may have secretly, wanted to have been one of those pilots, ripping away from the bonds of gravity in the sky at Mach 1 speed, too.  I am always reminded of that time, when I gaze at the sky on a hot sunny day. It's been awhile ago and several of my family have since passed away. I guess it was the white contrails that reminded me at twilight, this evening, of that long ago moment of happiness embraced in the presence of my family, resting in my childish memory. Which has nothing to do with today's national headline news, but it was a nice respite from reality, anyway.

About the news...I remember Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign, when he claimed that if he was elected, he would aggressively, "Drain the Swamp" in Washington, D. C.

Today's House Intelligence Committee heard FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers testify that they had not uncovered any evidence/information that supported Pres. Donald Trump's tweeted allegations of wrong doing by former Pres. Obama. However, they are involved in conducting an ongoing investigation since July 2016 of leaked classified information. They also verified that Russia had exerted influence in swaying favor to Trump and against Clinton in the Presidential election.

Wait,... sh...h...h...h...h...h... I think I hear a sucking sound! I think it's coming from the Columbia Island Park Lagoon. It's Trump yelling for White House Press Sec. Sean Spicer, to come pull him out of the swamp.

Oh heck, it's even worse than I thought... I can see Sean pulling on Donald Trump's legs and hear him calling for KellyAnne and Steve Bannon to come quick!!! Trump's got himself stuck in the lagoon's drain pipe, that empties into the swamp!!!

... And all the King's horses and all the King's men... couldn't pull Humpty-Dumpty back out of the drain pipe again!!!

                                  "Good Night and Boner Appertite!"        

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