Sunday, March 19, 2017

"NA-NA, NAH- NA-NA... I Told Ya' So", said Trump.

Tonight, I am looking up at the sky in my little corner of the world. There is a slight breeze blowing an errant dead leaf past me and the sky is overcome by a starless dark night, filled with the wonders of the universe. In the abundance of the Milky Way's great expanse, rests my quiet fear of what the hidden unknown looks like beyond my mortal vision, with its composition and creation in God's eyes. The divine order of the universe hangs suspended silently in the navy-blue darkness above me, having inspired the question of many,  to ask, "What is our purpose?" here below, hidden from our mortal vision, sheltered in the hearts, minds and souls of men. What is our destiny?

If FBI Director James Comey's news conference tomorrow, should even partially vindicate Trump's assertion that he was secretly wire tapped or surveilled, it would open the floodgates for him and his supporters to lay claim to righteous indignation,... by the truck load.

Congress, figures of modern media, including journalists of the written word, will all face an over-the-top dose of deserved, "I told you so's" from the perspective of a frequently querulous mind of a 70 year old man-child.

The basic danger of this whole scenario, lies in the fact that Trump will forever use this instance in the future(every time he speaks) to say that he told the truth and you can trust what he tells you. He will capitalize on the circumstance to defend himself against any future truth the opposition may bring against him. He will convince the masses that he is the only one they can trust. This will be enough evidence for some low-brow supporters/sheeple to carry out any of his future edicts without question.

If Trump receives national vindication of 1% of his tweeted allegations, coming from the highest echelons of government tomorrow, that will be enough for most Americans to approve the tilted balance set by Trumps Presidential policies. Trump's bully pulpit will stomp out any future dissent by those who will fear being publicly shamed in the court of public opinion. All that is required to begin setting the wheels in motion for a dictatorship to succeed, is even a small, partial vindication, which would effectively destroy and dismantle modern democracy, one tweet at a time.

Now, as much as ever before, we live in uncertain and perilous times when the human condition needs hope and hope is here within us.

                                                        John 1:5

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (NIV)

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