Thursday, March 30, 2017

Flynn Swaps Testimony For Immunity

The news today is even more disturbing than yesterday. It is entirely possible that there's more than just a few rotten apples at the bottom of Donald Trump's barrel. Michael Flynn should be given immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony, if it will indeed, clean out a whole raft of rats from occupying the White House! America does not need people working at the highest levels of government, sworn to protect and represent the American people in good faith, whose only true objective in serving, is to use the full advantage from the seat of privileged power to rape, pillage and destroy democracy and the American government for their own selfish and greedy benefit.

My Mother always said, "If you find 1 rat in the attic,... there's more nesting somewhere." Another truism she often imparted to us, was "Birds of a feather,... flock together", and to some degree, that old saying is generally correct and in this situation, it looks to be appropo.

So I wonder why Paul Ryan had to be convinced to give his verbal support of Donald Trump, way back during the election, when he initially refused to endorse Trump for President? I also wonder why Paul Ryan is sticking to Herr Comb-Over, like bubble gum on the bottom of your shoe, even now? I wonder what the BIG payoff is for Paul Ryan in all this daily drama? What is Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes getting out of all this madness, besides a tainted reputation for being dishonest and untrustworthy? It would stand to reason, that whatever their deal is with Trump, they must figure it's worth risking their good names and professional careers or they wouldn't do it. I wonder what its worth to their families? There's a fly in the ointment here,... somewhere. This may only be the beginning of more than one nasty revelation,...I think you can bet on it.

If my hillbilly cousin, Uncle Pug, was still around, I'm sure he could have wisely instructed Mike Flynn, to take some swimming lessons to learn the "backstroke", before he jumped into the swamp. It looks like immunity may be the only leaky life vest laying on the bank, left to save Mike Flynn from drowning in the swamp. Uncle Pug, was an unofficial backwoods poet laureate, who was known from time-to-time, to engage in some creative and lucrative occupational engineering, down by the creek. When Uncle Pug talked about the art of making "Moonshine" and the law,... he'd look you straight in the eye and cock his head, then give you a wink and nod once, meaning,... "listen up". Uncle Pug would pull a plug of chew out of the Skoal can inside his bib overalls and warned, "Ya' gotta' watch out for them lawdogs, cause them there FBI boys are tough,... and they ain't playin'!"

Well said, Uncle Pug. R.I.P.

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