Saturday, March 18, 2017

Taking a Trip on the Crazy Train?

The coffee is brewing in my ancient metallic coffeemaker. It's always such a delight in the early mornings to taste the deep rich flavor of a well-percolated coffee enhanced with the delicious luxury of Hazelnut flavored coffee creamer! YUM!

The puppies have been escorted to the regular neighborhood repositories in the bushes, against tree trunks and preferred grassy patches with satisfaction. Back to the shiny steel puppy bowls filled with delicious food and fresh clean water to Max and Millie's delight.

The morning news is on television right now and I've put my bed clothes back on to sneak another few moments of napping in awhile with Grandpoppy. My feet are warmly cuddled by pink fluffy house slippers, as I prop my feet up on the thickly padded footstool across the small living room. I am wrapped in my floral printed, soft flannel nightgown and matching floral printed, plush robe, I sit listening to a recap of headline news and contemplating our collective dismal future possibilities. Thank God for the simple pleasures in life.

America faces so many different distractions and dangers to our national democracy and place in the world. How did all these palpable threats happen in such a seemingly rapid succession? This mornings major concern is the tension on the North Korean mainland. Are we looking at another up close and personal war with North Korea? Are we prepared to do that? How would the decision to pursue such perilous action be arrived at and by whom? Who shall we send to fight a war like this? Would it be fought from 35,000 feet high? Would a war with North Korea be fought from missile silo's on both sides of the world?  Is the next war fought by cyber warfare? The power of distraction and destabilization seems to threaten to rend the fabric of civilization in America's foundation that is holding this country together! Who are the people who wield that power and what are their real hidden agendas? How would this potential war be contained and averted from the personalities of two unhinged principal players consisting of one psychopathic Asian Autocrat and one American sociopathic, megalomaniacal demagogue? This appears to be a reckless game of "chicken", between these 2 idiots with discernibly catastrophic consequences for the world. I am afraid. I think I'll go back to bed to dream of happier times and wishes for a better future.

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