It's a lovely Spring morning. My fat little percolator has warmly filled my Royal Albert Petit Point bone china coffee cup with that rich, caffeine-infused liquid wonder, that jump starts Granny Annie's circulatory system every morning.
I turned on the television while me and Grandpoppy's coffee was brewing in the kitchen and heard Joe and Mika on MSNBC discussing the latest White House debacle. Joe likened the mess to watching a bunch of bumbling "Keystone Cops", working in the West Wing.
Trumps newly infamous 3 Stooges(Watnick, Ellis and Eisenberg), as of this morning, who reportedly were the leakers of White House intelligence to Devin Nunes, all shunned the news cameras and "headed for the hills" as fast as they could, to avoid any uncomfortable questions from the press. Reportedly, all this poorly thought-out and ridiculously orchestrated subterfuge was supposedly meant to give Trump some credence and vindication to his erroneous and slanderous accusatory tweets on March 4th., 2017.
It's only been a little more than a couple months into Trump's Presidency at the White House and this Presidency has become the shame of our nation on the world stage. It's discouraging to be an ordinary, middle-American taxpayer living in what has PREVIOUSLY, been known as a country that is the "envy of the world". It is depressing to think what we have lost since Trump became President. America can no longer claim the proud title of "the shining city on the hill", in front of the camera's glare on the world stage, unless we want to be laughed out of the room by the world watching a comedic display of Trump, incompetently imitating Presidential governance. So far, it appears that the only main function of this Presidential Administration is built upon an Executive Branch of civil servants, trying their best to prop up a narcissistic 70 year old man-child's delicate ego, rather than working to serve and protect the American people's best interest. Talk about some screwed up priorities in the White House! Every day that I wake up, it's a new disaster in the White House! I'm starting to disagree with Morning Joe Scarborough, maybe the "Keystone Cops" could do a better job running the White House! At the worst,...what's the difference?
Lord, help us!!!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Flynn Swaps Testimony For Immunity
The news today is even more disturbing than yesterday. It is entirely possible that there's more than just a few rotten apples at the bottom of Donald Trump's barrel. Michael Flynn should be given immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony, if it will indeed, clean out a whole raft of rats from occupying the White House! America does not need people working at the highest levels of government, sworn to protect and represent the American people in good faith, whose only true objective in serving, is to use the full advantage from the seat of privileged power to rape, pillage and destroy democracy and the American government for their own selfish and greedy benefit.
My Mother always said, "If you find 1 rat in the attic,... there's more nesting somewhere." Another truism she often imparted to us, was "Birds of a feather,... flock together", and to some degree, that old saying is generally correct and in this situation, it looks to be appropo.
So I wonder why Paul Ryan had to be convinced to give his verbal support of Donald Trump, way back during the election, when he initially refused to endorse Trump for President? I also wonder why Paul Ryan is sticking to Herr Comb-Over, like bubble gum on the bottom of your shoe, even now? I wonder what the BIG payoff is for Paul Ryan in all this daily drama? What is Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes getting out of all this madness, besides a tainted reputation for being dishonest and untrustworthy? It would stand to reason, that whatever their deal is with Trump, they must figure it's worth risking their good names and professional careers or they wouldn't do it. I wonder what its worth to their families? There's a fly in the ointment here,... somewhere. This may only be the beginning of more than one nasty revelation,...I think you can bet on it.
If my hillbilly cousin, Uncle Pug, was still around, I'm sure he could have wisely instructed Mike Flynn, to take some swimming lessons to learn the "backstroke", before he jumped into the swamp. It looks like immunity may be the only leaky life vest laying on the bank, left to save Mike Flynn from drowning in the swamp. Uncle Pug, was an unofficial backwoods poet laureate, who was known from time-to-time, to engage in some creative and lucrative occupational engineering, down by the creek. When Uncle Pug talked about the art of making "Moonshine" and the law,... he'd look you straight in the eye and cock his head, then give you a wink and nod once, meaning,... "listen up". Uncle Pug would pull a plug of chew out of the Skoal can inside his bib overalls and warned, "Ya' gotta' watch out for them lawdogs, cause them there FBI boys are tough,... and they ain't playin'!"
Well said, Uncle Pug. R.I.P.
My Mother always said, "If you find 1 rat in the attic,... there's more nesting somewhere." Another truism she often imparted to us, was "Birds of a feather,... flock together", and to some degree, that old saying is generally correct and in this situation, it looks to be appropo.
So I wonder why Paul Ryan had to be convinced to give his verbal support of Donald Trump, way back during the election, when he initially refused to endorse Trump for President? I also wonder why Paul Ryan is sticking to Herr Comb-Over, like bubble gum on the bottom of your shoe, even now? I wonder what the BIG payoff is for Paul Ryan in all this daily drama? What is Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes getting out of all this madness, besides a tainted reputation for being dishonest and untrustworthy? It would stand to reason, that whatever their deal is with Trump, they must figure it's worth risking their good names and professional careers or they wouldn't do it. I wonder what its worth to their families? There's a fly in the ointment here,... somewhere. This may only be the beginning of more than one nasty revelation,...I think you can bet on it.
If my hillbilly cousin, Uncle Pug, was still around, I'm sure he could have wisely instructed Mike Flynn, to take some swimming lessons to learn the "backstroke", before he jumped into the swamp. It looks like immunity may be the only leaky life vest laying on the bank, left to save Mike Flynn from drowning in the swamp. Uncle Pug, was an unofficial backwoods poet laureate, who was known from time-to-time, to engage in some creative and lucrative occupational engineering, down by the creek. When Uncle Pug talked about the art of making "Moonshine" and the law,... he'd look you straight in the eye and cock his head, then give you a wink and nod once, meaning,... "listen up". Uncle Pug would pull a plug of chew out of the Skoal can inside his bib overalls and warned, "Ya' gotta' watch out for them lawdogs, cause them there FBI boys are tough,... and they ain't playin'!"
Well said, Uncle Pug. R.I.P.
China has asked America to keep Paris Agreement
My coffee is percolating and the headlines today are as disturbing as yesterday out of Washington.
Our country has been saddled with a President, as the Brits, have aptly described as having the "intellectual capacity of protozoa". To substantiate this claim, even China's foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang has endorsed the concept of climate change and asks that we keep our commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change.
You know our planet is in trouble, when your enemy is sitting in agreement among the world's best international climate scientists, whose only dog in this fight is saving the future of the world's environment from man-made certain destruction. So why, is our President discounting or denying climate change? What is his hidden agenda? Has he no wisdom to see that we are facing long term irreparable environmental destruction, if we do not heed the warning signs now? Any short term profit now cannot save America in the future and ultimately, will not be worth the short term profits.
If we cannot live on the earth, because man has carelessly and greedily destroyed it, then where will 7.125 billion people, (as of the 2013 United Nations World Population Clock estimate) be living?
Granny Annie's coffee is ready. Granny Annie's Politic Cafe is serving a fresh, hot cup of Joe and hope for the promise of wisdom through prayer this morning at breakfast. Amen.
By Sidney Fussell
March 29, 2017
On Tuesday, President Trump pledged to end the “war on coal” by rolling back the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era federal policy that compels states to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. China responded Wednesday, reaffirming its commitment to investing in clean energy and honoring the Paris Agreement, an international accord to tackle climate change with progressively more stringent carbon emissions goals.
The CPP, as Trump and EPA-head Scott Pruitt argue, overburdens the coal and mining industries with needless regulations, leading to massive layoffs and power plant shutdowns. That’s one way of putting it. Another: A man who dismissed climate change as a “hoax” created by the Chinese, and a climate denier who still wants to debate the laws of physics, are repealing environmental regulations in order to save an industry that isn’t being killed by environmental regulation.
Trump’s regressive climate policies fly in the face of the consensus of scientists and economists, who say natural gas and renewables like solar and wind power are eclipsing coal as cheaper, cleaner energy sources. In under 100 days, Trump has ceded Obama’s hard-earned position for the US as a global leader on climate change to China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon. All to ressurect an industry that experts agree isn’t coming back.
Our country has been saddled with a President, as the Brits, have aptly described as having the "intellectual capacity of protozoa". To substantiate this claim, even China's foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang has endorsed the concept of climate change and asks that we keep our commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change.
You know our planet is in trouble, when your enemy is sitting in agreement among the world's best international climate scientists, whose only dog in this fight is saving the future of the world's environment from man-made certain destruction. So why, is our President discounting or denying climate change? What is his hidden agenda? Has he no wisdom to see that we are facing long term irreparable environmental destruction, if we do not heed the warning signs now? Any short term profit now cannot save America in the future and ultimately, will not be worth the short term profits.
If we cannot live on the earth, because man has carelessly and greedily destroyed it, then where will 7.125 billion people, (as of the 2013 United Nations World Population Clock estimate) be living?
Granny Annie's coffee is ready. Granny Annie's Politic Cafe is serving a fresh, hot cup of Joe and hope for the promise of wisdom through prayer this morning at breakfast. Amen.
By Sidney Fussell
March 29, 2017
On Tuesday, President Trump pledged to end the “war on coal” by rolling back the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era federal policy that compels states to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. China responded Wednesday, reaffirming its commitment to investing in clean energy and honoring the Paris Agreement, an international accord to tackle climate change with progressively more stringent carbon emissions goals.
The CPP, as Trump and EPA-head Scott Pruitt argue, overburdens the coal and mining industries with needless regulations, leading to massive layoffs and power plant shutdowns. That’s one way of putting it. Another: A man who dismissed climate change as a “hoax” created by the Chinese, and a climate denier who still wants to debate the laws of physics, are repealing environmental regulations in order to save an industry that isn’t being killed by environmental regulation.
Trump’s regressive climate policies fly in the face of the consensus of scientists and economists, who say natural gas and renewables like solar and wind power are eclipsing coal as cheaper, cleaner energy sources. In under 100 days, Trump has ceded Obama’s hard-earned position for the US as a global leader on climate change to China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon. All to ressurect an industry that experts agree isn’t coming back.
Not about to lose an opportunity to drive that point home, Chinese officials today reiterated their commitment to the Paris Agreement, and subtly chided the US for its backwards-facing climate policies.
“The Paris Agreement was hard-earned. All parties of the international community, including China, had a common consensus on it,” foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters Wednesday. “All parties should conform to the historical trend of the time, seize the opportunity, honour their commitment, take practical and positive actions and implement the agreement.”
While Trump ignores the energy transition to renewables, China is accelerating it. The Chinese government is shedding as many as 500,000 jobs in the coal and steel sector, offering job re-training and unemployment benefits to affected workers. Additionally, China is soaring ahead of the US in its green energy investments, installing a record 4 million solar panels from 2013 to 2017. In 2015, it hit a global record for newly-installed wind power capacity, 32.5 GW. China is on track to meet—and exceed—its carbon reduction commitments under the Paris climate agreement well ahead of schedule.
China’s motivations for pursing green energy are two-fold: Not only are cities like Beijing choking in smog, but it sees an opportunity to become the number one international provider of renewable technologies to developing nations. Since Trump was elected president, there’s been talk of China stepping forward to replace the US as the global leader in producing energy innovations. Trump’s actions this week only serve to cement the idea that one of America’s biggest geopolitical rivals will be architect of the global energy transition.
Meanwhile, Trump continues to peg the livelihood of much of his voting base to the rapidly flatlining coal industry. Maybe, during their meeting in April, Chinese President Xi Jinping could explain some basic economics to Trump.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Uncle Pug Sounds The Alarm..
Well, ignoring federal laws of anti-nepotism, must be no big deal... as today, the White House has proudly announced, that Ivanka Trump will be working in the West Wing, professionally advising her father, in the capacity of an Official Senior Advisor.
If my country cousin named "Uncle Pug", lived in Washington, D. C., I can imagine hearing him facetiously announce the First Daughter's official position as the Presidents Senior Adviser. Uncle Pug had his own keenly witty and charmingly woodsy parlance of hillbilly speak. He would aptly warn the cousins, to,,..."RELEASE THE HOUNDS!...A NEW FOX DONE SNUCK IN THE WHITE HEN HOUSE, AND IT'S WEARIN' A SKIRT!
I hope "Time" magazine will commission some witty artist to draw a political comic strip or caricature of this White House announcement to grace the cover. Time magazine is an American institution and an icon in an era of news magazine media, originally founded by Henry Luce. I hope this comic magazine cover, will find an honored place among the other "Great" magazines of the day, in the archives of modern history! If not, and since Mad Magazine no longer exists, then maybe, after all the criminal investigations are concluded, it will find a place on a "Wanted" poster in your local Post Office.
It's getting late and the blue blanket of the stratosphere has covered the sky. It's been a long day and Granny Annie will be serving her beloved Grandpoppy, a yummy late night snack before bedtime.
"Good Night" and "Boner Appertite!"
The New York Times
"Ivanka Trump, Shifting Plans, Will Become a Federal Employee"
By Rachel Abrams and Maggie Haberman
March 29, 2017
Ivanka Trump, elder daughter of Pres. Trump, is becoming an official government employee, joining her husband in serving as an unpaid advisor in the White House.
Ms. trump already has an office in the West Wing, and she available to her previously.”id last week that she would serve as an informal adviser to her father. That plan prompted criticism from ethics experts, who said it would allow her to avoid some rules and disclosures.
“I have heard the concerns some have with my advising the president in my personal capacity while voluntarily complying with all ethics rules, and I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees,” Ms. Trump said in a statement on Wednesday.
“Throughout this process I have been working closely and in good faith with the White House counsel and my personal counsel to address the unprecedented nature of my role,” she said.
Ms. Trump’s title will be assistant to the president. Her husband, Jared Kushner, has the title of senior adviser.“We are pleased that Ivanka Trump has chosen to take this step in her unprecedented role as first daughter and in support of the president,” a spokeswoman for the president said in an email. “Ivanka’s service as an unpaid employee furthers our commitment to ethics, transparency, and compliance and affords her increased opportunities to lead initiatives driving real policy benefits for the American public that would not have been available to her previously.” Ms. Trump's lawyer, Jamie S. Gorelick, said that her decision stemmed from "her commitment to compliance with federal ethics standards and her openness to opposing points of view."
"She will file the financial disclosure forms required of federal employees and be bound by the same ethics rules that she had planned to comply with voluntarily," Ms. Gorelick said.
If my country cousin named "Uncle Pug", lived in Washington, D. C., I can imagine hearing him facetiously announce the First Daughter's official position as the Presidents Senior Adviser. Uncle Pug had his own keenly witty and charmingly woodsy parlance of hillbilly speak. He would aptly warn the cousins, to,,..."RELEASE THE HOUNDS!...A NEW FOX DONE SNUCK IN THE WHITE HEN HOUSE, AND IT'S WEARIN' A SKIRT!
I hope "Time" magazine will commission some witty artist to draw a political comic strip or caricature of this White House announcement to grace the cover. Time magazine is an American institution and an icon in an era of news magazine media, originally founded by Henry Luce. I hope this comic magazine cover, will find an honored place among the other "Great" magazines of the day, in the archives of modern history! If not, and since Mad Magazine no longer exists, then maybe, after all the criminal investigations are concluded, it will find a place on a "Wanted" poster in your local Post Office.
It's getting late and the blue blanket of the stratosphere has covered the sky. It's been a long day and Granny Annie will be serving her beloved Grandpoppy, a yummy late night snack before bedtime.
"Good Night" and "Boner Appertite!"
The New York Times
"Ivanka Trump, Shifting Plans, Will Become a Federal Employee"
By Rachel Abrams and Maggie Haberman
March 29, 2017
Ivanka Trump, elder daughter of Pres. Trump, is becoming an official government employee, joining her husband in serving as an unpaid advisor in the White House.
Ms. trump already has an office in the West Wing, and she available to her previously.”id last week that she would serve as an informal adviser to her father. That plan prompted criticism from ethics experts, who said it would allow her to avoid some rules and disclosures.
“I have heard the concerns some have with my advising the president in my personal capacity while voluntarily complying with all ethics rules, and I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees,” Ms. Trump said in a statement on Wednesday.
“Throughout this process I have been working closely and in good faith with the White House counsel and my personal counsel to address the unprecedented nature of my role,” she said.
Ms. Trump’s title will be assistant to the president. Her husband, Jared Kushner, has the title of senior adviser.“We are pleased that Ivanka Trump has chosen to take this step in her unprecedented role as first daughter and in support of the president,” a spokeswoman for the president said in an email. “Ivanka’s service as an unpaid employee furthers our commitment to ethics, transparency, and compliance and affords her increased opportunities to lead initiatives driving real policy benefits for the American public that would not have been available to her previously.” Ms. Trump's lawyer, Jamie S. Gorelick, said that her decision stemmed from "her commitment to compliance with federal ethics standards and her openness to opposing points of view."
"She will file the financial disclosure forms required of federal employees and be bound by the same ethics rules that she had planned to comply with voluntarily," Ms. Gorelick said.
"Women of Courage" Awards and the "TRUMP SANDWICH" lunch
“Wherever women are diminished, the entire world is diminished with them.”
It insults my intelligence to watch Melania Trump hypocritically pander one day later, after her husband's official spokesman carelessly demeaned and insulted a woman working inside the confines of his professional career, in a different kind of audience, witnessed by the world. Sean Spicer owes this woman, April Ryan, a public apology,...we will see if that happens.
Her husband's office of POTUS, places her in important, impressive and glamorous social circles that offer various social platforms meant to appeal to wealthy women and their proteges. It is shameful that FLOTUS Melania Trump, can stand spewing obviously hypocritically insincere moral platitudes to another kind of audience, who happen to shamelessly drink her liquidized baloney ridden speech.I guess it does prove that Melania Trump does possess courage, alright,...but that kind of courage, is reprehensible.
I am glad that there was a group of steely spirited and truly courageous women, who well deserve genuine praise and emotional support from the lips of all women,.. receive hard-earned recognition!
Every time I watch Melania Trump talk on television, it conjures up images of a beautiful Russian "Stepford" Wife or an actress playing a Russian female spy starring in another "James Bond 007", movie reading a well-rehearsed script designed to win an Academy Award in Hollywood. When the Hollywood credits roll at the end of the show, Melania Trump will be credited with a convincing star performance in a supporting role. She might even get her own brass star on the Hollywood walk of fame. I think it really is a feat to be the last wife of Herr Comb-Over.
I remain amazed, because she is a beautiful and glamorous 46 year old, "TROPHY WIFE", married to a wealthy, misogynistic, hedonistic, narcissistic 70 year old(shticky) orange comb-over, that enables her to have the audacity to spout such a pile of "HYPOCRITICAL TRIPE!"
It is a sad display of a perfect verbal tribute given to deserving women from all over the world, being minimized by a woman reading from a teleprompter, whose husband's official White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, did commit exactly that same offense on a world televised, White House Press Conference, yesterday!!!
Granny Annie's Politic Cafe will be copying and serving Balogna Sandwiches for lunch in honor of FLOTUS Melania Trump.

Bed-Stuy deli Olive Leaf Gourmet is serving up a Trump sandwich, packed full of baloney, Russian dressing and American cheese on white bread with a "small pickle" on the side.
"Boner Appertite!"
Angry Clown Shows
I am so impressed by the attitude and demeanor displayed by Sen. Intel. Chrm. Richard Burr and Vice Chrm. Mark Warner during their televised press conference today, regarding the investigation of Russian interference in the November Presidential election.
These men conducted themselves in a polite, disciplined and well-mannered way with the press. They did not answer any questions in a haughty authoritarian and threateningly, accusatory spirit, while responding to the press. It was an impressive difference when you compare the way these 2 men orchestrated their joint news conference and the way White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer regularly carries out his press conferences! KUDOS to Sen. Burr and Sen. Warner!!!
These Senators pledge an impartial and factual investigation into charges of espionage and infiltration and the resulting interference by Russian sympathizers within the government and the Trump Administration.
Sean Spicer should watch this news conference and take serious notes about how to behave and interact on the world stage with the press. He would learn alot about how to conduct a professional news conference, instead of acting like one of Trump's stooges(Larry, Moe or Curly), leading an embarrassing and angry clown show press conference . On the other hand, because he is the mouthpiece for the frequently caught lying, "Pres. Herr Comb Over", maybe no one should stop him and just let him go on conducting his press conferences, the way he normally does.
These men conducted themselves in a polite, disciplined and well-mannered way with the press. They did not answer any questions in a haughty authoritarian and threateningly, accusatory spirit, while responding to the press. It was an impressive difference when you compare the way these 2 men orchestrated their joint news conference and the way White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer regularly carries out his press conferences! KUDOS to Sen. Burr and Sen. Warner!!!
These Senators pledge an impartial and factual investigation into charges of espionage and infiltration and the resulting interference by Russian sympathizers within the government and the Trump Administration.
Sean Spicer should watch this news conference and take serious notes about how to behave and interact on the world stage with the press. He would learn alot about how to conduct a professional news conference, instead of acting like one of Trump's stooges(Larry, Moe or Curly), leading an embarrassing and angry clown show press conference . On the other hand, because he is the mouthpiece for the frequently caught lying, "Pres. Herr Comb Over", maybe no one should stop him and just let him go on conducting his press conferences, the way he normally does.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Hillary Clinton
I saw her tonight on stage addressing what happened to 20 year veteran, White House Correspondent April Ryan, with outrage!. All I could say was..."Bravo!", Hillary said it all!!!
Who Does He Think He Is Talking To???
This afternoon my tv was on CNN and I was boiling eggs to make Grandpoppy's favorite treat for a delectable and spicy side dish at dinner. Grandpoppy has ordered the baked chicken from tonight's menu,... fresh from the butcher's shop. I've washed and rubbed the outside skin of the young hen with fresh Irish butter, Mediterranean Sea salt and coarse ground pepper, Rosemary and Thyme and a sprinkling of Hungarian Smoked Paprika as the finishing outside touch on top. My chicken is baked with some prepared "Stove Top Stuffing", inside its cavity and placed in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 350 degrees, till its skin is a crispy golden brown and the natural chicken juices seep into the bottom of the pan, filling my little kitchen with a delicious savory smell. Green beans, mashed potatoes with homemade chicken drippings turned into gravy with buttery Pillsbury Crescent Rolls on the table for dinner. Grandpoppy's favorite spicy deviled eggs, sprinkled gingerly with a little Hungarian Smoked Paprika, sits on the table beside him.
My ears automatically perked up the moment I heard the stern voice of Press Secretary, Sean Spicer in a disrespectful and patronizing tone of superiority, admonish April Ryan, long-time adult White House reporter, sitting in the audience among other Press Corp members, in the White House Press Room. He acted like he was the school principle, speaking to some immature teenager or juvenile delinquent misbehaving at the back of a packed gymnasium in a televised elementary school assembly. Who does he think, he is? He picked on her, like you would expect a racist, misogynistic mouth piece.
Returning to our small living room, I sat down on the quilt covered sofa in front of our television, in absolute disbelief at this angry young man's antics. I thought it incredulous, that someone in this man's position of authority, with the ears of the world listening, would speak to any grown adult like that! I suppose it was a good thing, that Granny wasn't there! He would've gotten an ear full about how the cow ate the cabbage! He should be ashamed of himself. He owes her an apology!
Apparently, he should take the opportunity to visit his Doctor, either for a new blood pressure medication or change his current dosage for the one he's got...cause it looks like it ain't workin'. Obviously, this young man cannot handle the stress of being the official White House Press Secretary! He displays rude arrogance without any sense of decent comportment toward his guest reporters. He has not displayed the patience required, nor the characteristic even-handed temperament under stress, appropriately suited, for a "gold fish swimming in a glass bowl"position. All the while, the world is watching in disbelief. He is another casualty of blind ambition,...and it has led him into the swamp,... over his head.
Tonight Granny Annie's Politic Cafe is co-incidentally serving up "Spicy Deviled Eggs", inspired by the rudely disrespectful and hot temper of White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer.
My ears automatically perked up the moment I heard the stern voice of Press Secretary, Sean Spicer in a disrespectful and patronizing tone of superiority, admonish April Ryan, long-time adult White House reporter, sitting in the audience among other Press Corp members, in the White House Press Room. He acted like he was the school principle, speaking to some immature teenager or juvenile delinquent misbehaving at the back of a packed gymnasium in a televised elementary school assembly. Who does he think, he is? He picked on her, like you would expect a racist, misogynistic mouth piece.
Returning to our small living room, I sat down on the quilt covered sofa in front of our television, in absolute disbelief at this angry young man's antics. I thought it incredulous, that someone in this man's position of authority, with the ears of the world listening, would speak to any grown adult like that! I suppose it was a good thing, that Granny wasn't there! He would've gotten an ear full about how the cow ate the cabbage! He should be ashamed of himself. He owes her an apology!
Apparently, he should take the opportunity to visit his Doctor, either for a new blood pressure medication or change his current dosage for the one he's got...cause it looks like it ain't workin'. Obviously, this young man cannot handle the stress of being the official White House Press Secretary! He displays rude arrogance without any sense of decent comportment toward his guest reporters. He has not displayed the patience required, nor the characteristic even-handed temperament under stress, appropriately suited, for a "gold fish swimming in a glass bowl"position. All the while, the world is watching in disbelief. He is another casualty of blind ambition,...and it has led him into the swamp,... over his head.
Tonight Granny Annie's Politic Cafe is co-incidentally serving up "Spicy Deviled Eggs", inspired by the rudely disrespectful and hot temper of White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer.
New Job Creation,...Then Repeal This...
It would do the nation economic good to repeal and decriminalize marijuana for both recreational and medical use purposes. Keeping outdated societal laws that criminalize marijuana, does nothing to stimulate the economy by comparison to taxing and regulating sales, production and distribution under the auspices of governmental agencies. Keeping failed social laws in place that produces little or no positive economic outcome, with dubious societal benefits, is unhealthy for our country, as a whole, and plain stupid. The only obvious benefit that criminalizing marijuana accomplishes, is bigger profits for the CCA prisons. However, decriminalizing marijuana will provide state and federal tax revenue. Obvious national benefits provide for new areas of employment in the private sector, as well as government employment opportunities by the activities of regulation, sales, farm growers and distribution of the product.
Prohibition was a failed experiment in societal law that never resulted in the personal reformation of anyone or stopped the sales of liquor, nor the demand for alcohol by anyone, for those who wanted it bad enough. How is it different from marijuana? Booze has a much longer, undeniably documented history of addiction and more notoriously evil impact on societies and individual families, than attributed to mass historical accounts of marijuana usage.
If Lorillard Tobacco Co. and Phillip Morris International Cigarette Co. were to manufacture marijuana cigarettes, adhering to the same state and federal standards and regulations as tobacco cigarette manufacturing requires, it would demonstrate the successful manufacture of another government regulated product for public consumption and result in a boon for shareholders of marijuana manufacturer stocks on the NYSE and tax collectors, alike.
Marijuana advocates push for legalization as Illinois budget boost
Prohibition was a failed experiment in societal law that never resulted in the personal reformation of anyone or stopped the sales of liquor, nor the demand for alcohol by anyone, for those who wanted it bad enough. How is it different from marijuana? Booze has a much longer, undeniably documented history of addiction and more notoriously evil impact on societies and individual families, than attributed to mass historical accounts of marijuana usage.
If Lorillard Tobacco Co. and Phillip Morris International Cigarette Co. were to manufacture marijuana cigarettes, adhering to the same state and federal standards and regulations as tobacco cigarette manufacturing requires, it would demonstrate the successful manufacture of another government regulated product for public consumption and result in a boon for shareholders of marijuana manufacturer stocks on the NYSE and tax collectors, alike.
Marijuana advocates push for legalization as Illinois budget boost
Chicago Tribune
Tuesday March 26, 2017
By Kiannah Sepeda-Miller
Marijuana advocates are trying to lay the groundwork for Illinois to become the first state in the Midwest and the ninth nationwide to legalize recreational pot, arguing the move will help solve the state's notorious budget crisis.
Two Illinois state lawmakers introduced legislation last week that would allow residents 21 and older to possess, grow or buy up to an ounce (28 grams) of
marijuana and license businesses to sell marijuana products subject to regulation. They say it would help fill Illinois' multibillion-dollar budget hole with $350 million to $700 million in new tax revenue.A national advocacy group, the Marijuana Policy Project, based the estimate on the proposal's $50-per-ounce wholesale tax, Illinois' standard sales tax, federal marijuana consumption data and recreational pot prices in Colorado. The proposal earmarks 50 percent of wholesale revenues for the state's general fund and divides the remaining half 30/20 between education and public health.
Every state to legalize pot to date has done so by voter ballot initiative, according to Chris Lindsey, a legislative analyst with the project. But Illinois advocates are not alone in holding out hope for lawmaker approval. Seventeen other states — including Missouri — are also considering legislative action.
Rep. Kelly Cassidy, a Chicago Democrat who co-sponsored 2014 legislation that legalized medical marijuana in Illinois, is sponsoring the proposal in the House. She said states that legalized marijuana have seen an economic boost from increased tax revenue, new jobs and bolstered tourism.
"We're talking about all sorts of ways of raising revenue," Cassidy said, referring to state lawmakers' efforts to break a two-year budget logjam. "We might as well be talking about this, too."But she and fellow Chicago Democrat Sen. Heather Steans, who sponsored legislation that succeeded in decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of pot last year, know their new pitch could be a tough sell. They plan to jumpstart conversations with lawmakers, interest groups and the public this spring but won't move legislation forward in the current session.
Key players such as the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police currently oppose the measure. Ed Wojcicki, the association's director, called legalizing recreational pot "an enforcement nightmare." He said existing science remains inconclusive about how to best identify impairment on the road and in other compromising situations. Democratic Rep. Lou Lang of Skokie, lead sponsor of the medical marijuana proposal, suggested the staggered timeline could help lawmakers gain a more complete picture of potential benefits and consequences — especially as more data rolls in on Illinois' pilot medical marijuana program, which launched in late 2015.
"I do think this might be in Illinois' future," Lang said. "I certainly support the idea of having a discussion."Illinois legalization advocates like Dan Linn, who directs the state chapter of a nonprofit lobbying group called NORML, have long been working toward this conversation. Linn said states where pot is legal have recorded no uptick in traffic fatalities. Instead of threatening public safety, he contended, regulating the already widely consumed substance will take the business out of the hands of criminals and impose important regulations like quality and age controls.
"There's not a drug dealer in this country that asks for an ID when someone's looking to buy drugs," he said. The proposal is launching at a time when the federal government, which still lists marijuana as an illegal drug, is considering ramping up enforcement against recreational use. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said last month his department is reviewing an Obama administration memo that gave states flexibility in passing marijuana laws.
Monday, March 27, 2017
"Forever Young"... by Rod Stewart
My neighbor's tired porch light usually glows a soft yellow hue upon the worn gray planks of her front porch. Tonight, she must have forgotten or else she is just late turning it on after 12 years. Me and my puppies take an evening stroll by the beach as the moist sea breeze refreshes my soul and the salty spray moistens my tired old skin. One of the small joys of getting older is remembering that everyday by the beach, is a good day, to be by the beach.
Granny Annie's Politic Cafe will be serving Strawberry Marguerita's and Pena Colada's and Coca-Cola mixed with a shot of Villa Massa Limoncello Liqueur.
This evenings menu includes wood-fire grilled shrimp, lobster and scallops with riparian cocktails and entertainment open to all beachcombers over 21 and under 101 years old. Macarena and Mambo No. 5 play festively, luring young, exquisite couples, unabashedly celebrating their youth, above the sounds of crashing waves lapping below the edge of the cafe's patio dance floor. I love to watch excited and energetic young people dance, because they refuse to live like they're mortal!
In the news today:
Legalized Marijuana Could Help Curb The Opioid Epidemic, Study Finds
by Reuters
Granny Annie's Politic Cafe will be serving Strawberry Marguerita's and Pena Colada's and Coca-Cola mixed with a shot of Villa Massa Limoncello Liqueur.
This evenings menu includes wood-fire grilled shrimp, lobster and scallops with riparian cocktails and entertainment open to all beachcombers over 21 and under 101 years old. Macarena and Mambo No. 5 play festively, luring young, exquisite couples, unabashedly celebrating their youth, above the sounds of crashing waves lapping below the edge of the cafe's patio dance floor. I love to watch excited and energetic young people dance, because they refuse to live like they're mortal!
In the news today:
Legalized Marijuana Could Help Curb The Opioid Epidemic, Study Finds
by Reuters
In states that legalized medical marijuana, U.S. hospitals failed to see a predicted influx of pot smokers, but in an unexpected twist, they treated far fewer opioid users, a new study shows.
Hospitalization rates for opioid painkiller dependence and abuse dropped on average 23 percent in states after marijuana was permitted for medicinal purposes, the analysis found. Hospitalization rates for opioid overdoses dropped 13 percent on average.
At the same time, fears that legalization of medical marijuana would lead to an uptick in cannabis-related hospitalizations proved unfounded, according to the report in Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
"Instead, medical marijuana laws may have reduced hospitalizations related to opioid pain relievers," said study author Yuyan Shi, a public health professor at the University of California, San Diego.
"This study and a few others provided some evidence regarding the potential positive benefits of legalizing marijuana to reduce opioid use and abuse, but they are still preliminary," she said in an email.
Dr. Esther Choo, a professor of emergency medicine at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, was intrigued by the study's suggestion that access to cannabis might reduce opioid misuse."It is becoming increasingly clear that battling the opioid epidemic will require a multi-pronged approach and a good deal of creativity," Choo, who was not involved in the study, said in an email. "Could increased liberalization of marijuana be part of the solution? It seems plausible."
However, she said, "there is still much we need to understand about the mechanisms through which marijuana policy may affect opioid use and harms."
An estimated 60 percent of Americans now live in the 28 states and Washington, D.C. where medical marijuana is legal under state law.
Meanwhile, the opioid epidemic - sparked by a quadrupling since 1999 in sales of prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin - kills 91 Americans a day.
Shi analyzed hospitalization records from 1997 through 2014 for 27 states, nine of which implemented medical marijuana policies. Her study was the fifth to show declines in opioid use or deaths in states that allow medical cannabis.Previous studies reported associations between medical marijuana and reductions in opioid prescriptions, opioid-related vehicle accidents and opioid-overdose deaths.
In a 2014 study, Dr. Marcus Bachhuber found deaths from opioid overdoses fell by 25 percent in states that legalized medical marijuana.
Since last year, when New York rolled out its medical marijuana program, Bachhuber has included cannabis in a menu of options he offers his patients who suffer chronic or severe pain from neuropathy and HIV/AIDS, he said in a phone interview. Bachhuber, a professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, was not involved in the new study.Many of Bachhuber's patients ask for help quitting highly addictive opioids, and some have used marijuana to taper off the prescription painkillers, he said.
Nonetheless, a 1970 federal law puts cannabis in the same category as heroin, Schedule 1 of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, and finds it has no medicinal value. Consequently, doctors can only recommend, not prescribe, marijuana, and physicians who work for the federal government cannot even discuss the weed.
Federal prohibition also has led to severe limitations on marijuana research. In January, a National Academies report found conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis can effectively treat chronic pain, chemotherapy-induced nausea and spasticity. The report, written by an independent panel of medical experts, found no evidence of cannabis overdose deaths.
It did, however, find links between cannabis use and an increased risk of vehicle accidents as well as the development of schizophrenia or other psychoses, particularly among the most frequent users.
Bachhuber lamented the dearth of research on the best ways to use marijuana as medicine.
"We have information that it works based on the National Academies' report," he said. "But we don't know who it works best for, at what dosage, for how long."
Last week, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the nation's top cop, reiterated his concerns about marijuana and heroin, an illegal opioid.
"I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana," he told law enforcement officers in Virginia, "so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another."
SOURCE: Drug and Alcohol Dependence, online February 21, 2017
Stage II. of Trumpcare Repair and How it's Done...
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