Friday, April 14, 2017

Trump's Latest Load of Hog Wash...

Today, in the news, Pres. Trump announced that names of visitors to the White House would be kept secret for purposes of national security.

Sorry, but Granny Annie thinks that explanation is a load of hog wash,...AND I AIN'T BUYIN' IT!
I am not gullible, deluded or convinced by Trump's flimsy excuse of national security. Does he actually expect that anyone with an I.Q. above 70, would believe it? Is the White House so poorly guarded and defended, that Trump's country club at his Mar-a-Lago home, is more securely fortified and better protected? Oh,... please! I am sure that there is another plausible and honest answer, one that is of a more direct personal benefit to the "Narcissist-in-Chief."

It must be hard for Trump to live 5 days a week, 24 hours a day under the microscopic view of every person with a political opinion and hidden agenda, in the White House. It must be difficult to be a big fish swimming in the proverbial glass bowl, when you know everyone is watching the bowl with binoculars. It would be reasonable, that he feels more comfortable in his own home and needs to spend weekends at Mar-a-Lago to decompress from all the stress and high pressure, the position demands, of a President. That would be understandable. Most people, do feel a psychological sense of relief, when they return home after staying at someone else's house for longer than 3 days. Perhaps, this is why Pres. Trump insists on going home nearly every weekend.

However, there is also a possibility that it is easier to visit with politically sensitive guests outside the purview of prying eyes and keen ears. At any rate,...apparently, Donald Trump's expensive comfort is what really matters, no matter how much it costs taxpayers, almost every weekend.

My bigger worry and anxiety surrounding Trump's choice of resort locations to unwind and relax, more accurately, concerns the question of what will happen when the call comes in at 3 A.M. at the White House? What happens then? Is there a taped recording instructing the caller to leave a message and he will call back during normal business hours?

Ultimately, why does Trump really want the lists of White House visitors to be kept secret?

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