Yesterday's headline made me think, it is possible that Donald Trump's behavior was one obvious manifestation of Alzheimer's disease. This is not a condemnation, but merely an observation, paired with experience and a curiosity about the possibility. I am not a doctor and cannot make a qualified diagnosis. It has been my personal experience being around people who have suffered with this disease, that makes me question the possibility, that Trump may also have the disease. It would not be surprising if Donald Trump's narcissistic leanings and bully behavior combined with the possibility of Alzheimer's disease, could yield some of the disturbing public personality manifestations.
We have all been around people who have exhibited symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at one time or another, just in our daily lives, who acted illogically and absent-mindedly. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive and relentless disease. Unfortunately, my own Mother had Alzheimer's and I watched her physically and mentally deteriorate, till the night she died. It was a heartbreaking and powerful moment, that still brings me to tears. She slowly and steadily exhibited signs and symptoms over a period of years, that we passed off as insignificant forgetfulness. My Dad knew it first, but said nothing, because my Mother already knew it and was afraid to face the possibility. She refused to see a doctor about it and would not discuss the possibility, because of the stigma attached to any mental illness. She feared her future. She feared everything. She and Dad kept it a secret between them, until they couldn't do it any longer. As her children, we all suspected the case, but couldn't discuss it with them.
Mother just kept getting more forgetful every day, until the day she caught the kitchen on fire, by turning the stove's burner on and leaving a pan of grease unattended and walked out of the room. Fortunately, Dad found it and put the fire out, before it burnt the house down. From that day forward, it was a series of events and her judgments and actions that could not be overlooked or denied, that cemented a call for her family to intervene. I noticed something interesting, at that point in time about Mother. Her handwriting had changed from an exquisitely beautiful flowing style to some misspelled chicken scratch. After that, there were some really trying times and it was difficult for everyone in the family to adjust. The hardest part, was knowing Mother had been a very careful, sober minded, logical and intelligent woman. We watched her transform into someone who now behaved in strange and unpredictable ways, that we knew, she would never have acted like years earlier. She said things that were not true,... but she believed them, and Momma was no liar. Dad would correct her false assertions in front of us and she would look at him, like she was saying, "Really, that's wrong?" Dad would gently nod at her and say, "Yes, honey." Dad stayed by her side and didn't let go, till their time together, had come, to say "Good-bye", at her final destination.
It is quite possible, that all the family involved at the Trump White House, may actually be there to help him on his journey. My mother died at 76 years old,... but her journey began years earlier.
This is a great post. I'm really happy to see something like this. You are doing a great job. Keep it up. Alzheimer's treatment