Good afternoon, Dear Readers! I received my May/June 2017 issue of "FOREIGN AFFAIRS", magazine in the mail today. It is the "best",178 page issue in my current gazette of literary arsenals, to date. Reading this issue is a delightful literary hot fudge sundae, devoured at the beach, on a blistering 110 degree day in August, at 4 o'clock!
I heartily encourage your thirsty curiosity and ravenous appetite for a well-written and pungent political dissemination from a discerning and wide-eyed informational purveyor of world affairs.
We are citizens, who belong to the world. The "Foreign Affairs" journal, will illuminate your perspective about the world and the critical issues currently influencing and changing the world around us.
All 178 pages are worth the read...every blessed word!
"Boner Appertite!"
P.S. Full Disclosure:
(Granny Annie is just another uncompensated, unemployed and unsolicited fan.)
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