It is discouraging when American citizens cannot believe the news that their government officials tell them about their national security.
When you learn days later, that you have been blatantly lied to,... en masse, without the slightest sense of shame, by the elected and sworn officials placed in the highest offices in the land, that willfully fabricate stories, feel a sense of betrayal . How can these people ever be believed in the future by their own citizens, not to mention,... by the world watching? What a joke and the joke is on us! Talk about a wanton dereliction of duty, to the citizens who elected you! These people have no conscience or moral ethics. The people who will blindly follow orders given from the President of the United States, knowing they are lying to us, prove themselves to be disgraceful and abhorrent people. What else will they lie to the American public about, down the road from now? The "Nuremberg Defense", didn't work in 1945 and still doesn't work today.
The bumbling incompetence of this White House Administration is so endemic that even if the Pentagon staff did try to do their job, knowing the USS Carl Vinson was headed to the waters around Australia, instead of the Korean Peninsula, someone in Trump's administrative inner circle did not tell the President. That "SOMEONE", ought to be fired! It is likely, that if all the incompetent staffers of the Trump Administration were fired, Ivanka Trump might be the only survivor. It's embarrassing.
If the President is so uninformed, incompetent and dangerous in the performance of his can he be relied upon to protect and defend our national security? He engenders no credibility or respect from American citizens, who want to believe their President's every word and rely upon his word. The President is supposed to represent our nation. He shows no serious respect for the office, he holds. He has tarnished the respectability of the office of President and has used it for his own aggrandizement and to placate his own narcissistic desires.
Today, Pres. Trump is throwing a big shindig for a bunch of inconsequential football players at the White House. It is likely, that Pres. Trump will be throwing another "whoop-de-do shindig", in the future, wasting the taxpayers dollars for nothing of lasting or important value, when he could use that energy, time and money on a worthwhile project for the American taxpayer. But then, our elected "Narcissist-in-Chief", wouldn't get an applauded photo opportunity for himself, compared to this one. It makes me think that Pres. Trump missed his true calling. It seems like he makes a better cruise ship activity director than America's "Leader of the Free World", the "Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces".
America elected a narcissistic clown, who has the reputation of "Liar-in-Chief", as President of the United States. What a disappointment!
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