Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This Morning's 2017 Republican Party Campaign Donations from the NCBA?

Good Morning! "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood", to quote Mr. Rogers. However, this mornings news is somewhat disturbing, because Pres. Trump has authorized Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke to review any national monument created since January 1, 1996, that spans at least 100,000 acres supposedly "to make sure the people have a voice" in which lands receive the highest level of federal protection.

First..."what people", is Pres. Trump specifically talking about? Would that "people", be the National Cattlemen's Beef Association?

Secondly, would the "level of federal protection", be diminished to afford/improve multinational corporations restored and expanded cattle grazing permits on federal lands, such as the "Grand Staircase-Escalante" region in southern Utah? This particular area of land, alone is 1,880,461 acres. That's alot of cattle grazing land that corporations could use to graze their cattle and pay little or nothing for grazing rights and when they are done with it...just leave it as barren as the Sahara Desert. It is much like when mining corporations strip mine an area and leave it destroyed and walk away. They finish raping and pillaging our national resources without any conscience or accountability.

Pres. Trump, our nationally elected, "Narcissist-in-Chief", has no soul and no concern about safeguarding the environment. His only concern is money and his popularity polls. He doesn't care who he steps on or over, to accomplish his objectives. I believe that Pres. Trump is a man who has no wisdom. He appears to be the kind of man, who can be bought and easily flattered into establishing detrimental national edicts. Since Pres. Trump is actively involved in raising money for his next 2020 Presidential race, I wonder if he will be getting any financial incentive, like a campaign donation, as a return on this morning's newest Presidential edict?

Stats Supplied  According to Open
Center for Responsive Politics

National Cattlemen's Beef Assn

Money to congressional candidates: 2016 Cycle
Dems:Dems: $99,700$99,700
Repubs:Repubs: $1,011,400$1,011,400
Others:Independents: $0$0
Incumbents:Total to Members: $978,850$978,850
Non-Incumbents:Total to All Candidates: $132,250$132,250

National Cattlemen's Beef Assn

Profile for 2016 Election Cycle

ranks 374 of 18,569
$396,269 (2016)
$342,009 (2015)
ranks 632 of 3,729 in 2016


From OrgsFrom Indivs
To CandidatesTo Outside GrpsTo LeadPACsTo Party Cmtes

Contributions to candidates: $1,121,100
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $39,000
Contributions to parties: $30,000
Contributions to 527 committees: $0
Contributions to outside spending groups: $17,500

Top Recipients

RecipientTotalFrom IndivsFrom Orgs
 Hurd, Will$22,500$0$22,500
 Arrington, Jodey$17,500$0$17,500
 Brady, Kevin$16,000$0$16,000
 McSally, Martha$15,000$0$15,000
 National Republican Congressional Cmte$15,000$0$15,000
 National Republican Senatorial Cmte$15,000$0$15,000
 Protect the Harvest PAC$15,000$0$15,000
 Conaway, Mike$14,500$0$14,500
 Vela, Filemon$14,500$0$14,500
 Thornberry, Mac$13,100$500$12,600
The total of contributions to candidates from National Cattlemen's Beef Assn PACs is 149 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs

LOBBYING: $396,269 (2016)


3 out of 11 National Cattlemen's Beef Assn lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs

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