Friday, April 14, 2017

Is it the beginning of the end?

Max, Millie and me, have returned from our morning tour. It's cold outside and the day is cloudless, though the winds of war are blowing, as we speak.  I pondered over the world news, as we walked through the neighborhood, thinking to myself,..."Was it the same kind of morning the day before December 7, 1941 or July 28, 1914?" Make no mistake, the times we are living in today, will change world history. History will change either by a happy ending or a disturbingly sad beginning.

It almost feels like we are living out the scripted scenes of a play written by Shakespeare or the Bible prophets. Either way, our government leaders are the main characters in this play, and I am a member of the audience, sitting in the mezzanine. I am perched, nervously watching and emotionally invested in the outcome. I have family in Seoul, South Korea, living in harm's way. So, this is very personal to me.

H. G. Wells said, that WWI was the "war to end all wars",... but it was not. Soon, we may end up hearing our President say something similar, when he announces that we have engaged North Korea again, in war.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula is at high alert. Japan is currently making plans about how to evacuate their citizens in case war does break out. The implications of this is very troubling. The history between Japan and Korea, has been a bloody one in the past, at best. The Korean people have not forgotten this. So,... for Japan to be worried and making plans to "git...while the gittin' is good", is a powerful statement on the course of events happening there right now.

Yesterday, the U.S. dropped the MOAB in the far reaches of Afghanistan. Isn't it possible that this was a "test run", to prepare for the use of such a bomb on Pyongyang, soon? What happens after that?

Everyone is in peril at this juncture in history. Are we prepared? Does every home in America have adequate survival supplies to weather this storm at their disposal, today...right now? How far can the effects of engaging North Korea in war go? What will those effects be?

If I sound afraid,...I am.


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