I am saddened beyond mere words, because there are no words, to adequately express the heartfelt sorrow and disappointment I feel in mankind. I am alive to helplessly witness history reported on television about an unfamiliar country, set in a dry foreign land, where I have no personal connection,... from half a world away in the small comfortable living room of my home. Yet,... spiritually I know I am connected, although distantly by miles in geographic measure, but only in mere inches by the measure of humanity.
I am a nobody, without fame or fortune, living in a small corner of the world, albeit, in the richest country on earth,... and I feel powerless. I do not have the position or power to stop the many atrocities that are happening in this world, around me, but I can pray to the most powerful One, to help them.
There was a time in my life, when I was very ill. During that time, many strangers curiously entered into my life and blessed it with their prayers. I was blessed with the prayers from family, friends and strangers.
I was surprised meeting strangers who so freely and completely, offered up their prayers for me. In a few instances, I had met these strangers haphazardly, in some of the strangest of places. These strangers would ask me if they could pray for me? I always answered, "Yes". In my mind, at that time,... turning down a prayer was like turning down free money. Who would do that?
I am grateful to all those people, who prayed for me. Their prayers made my life spiritually richer and my faith stronger. At that point in my illness, I can tell you, it did not matter to me,... whether we shared the same religion or not. It did not matter to me,... whether we prayed to the same God or not. I can tell you, I am grateful for their sacred and sincere prayers, because I am still here, above ground and not below it.
So tonight,... I am mindful of God's abundant blessings in my life. When I lay my head down to sleep and close my eyes, in the silent darkness,... living safely in a peaceful land, untouched by the terrors of urban warfare. I will sincerely thank God for all my burdens and my blessings. Because, if I hadn't known burdens, I couldn't have known God's greatest blessings in my life.
Father, we pray for children caught in war-torn countries. We pray You would remove their burdens and ease their pain. Lord, please grant your sacred blessings on all the children who are helpless without You. We pray for your care and protection over them. Deliver them from evil. Help them Lord, we pray. Amen.
Horror Upon Horror As Gas Attacks Kill Syria's Children
April 5, 2017
By Sarah ferguson
This week's gas attacks in northern Syria, in which at least 70 people were killed — at least 11 of them children — are just the latest atrocity visited on children caught up in the country's devastating civil war.
"The images of children choking and dying in the streets of Idlib, Syria, following alleged chemical weapons attacks, are as horrific as they are heartbreaking," said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. "These attacks must do more than provoke our outrage; they must compel action by those with the power and the ability to bring an end to this devastating violence.
"The alleged use of such a horrific weapon must not obscure the violence taking place elsewhere in Syria, including in Aleppo, Damascus and Hama, nor should it distract from the daily suffering of the more than 280,000 children trapped under siege, cut off from humanitarian aid. The children of Syria have already suffered far too much, for far too long."The Syrian conflict has ripped the country apart, forcing 2.5 million Syrian children from their homes and helping to fuel a global migrant crisis. 8.4 million Syrian children, inside and outside the country, are in immediate need of aid.
For these suffering children, what's at stake isn't politics. It's their future.
UNICEF has been on the ground since the conflict began, helping to mobilize the largest humanitarian operation in history and working closely with partners to provide education, water, health care and immunizations, physical protection, psychological support and clothing to children in Syria and Syrian refugee children in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Europe.
The children of Syria need help. Please donate to Unicef today.
Thank You.
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