It's a cool night. The puppies and I have traversed our neighborhood, on our nightly circuitous visitations, stopping periodically, offering me a chance to view the moon. The earthshine of the crescent moon's albedo, glowed a creamy pearl luminescence hanging high in the heavens, embraced in the celestial beauty of the universe.
The Springtime breeze hums a haunting tune through the branches of our Sycamore tree and the soft yellow porch light casts long dark shadows of the elegiac figure of thick leafy limbs, crossing the sparse grassy patches of our yard.
There are ethereal romantic nights, living on the wind-swept Pacific coast, that conjures the renewal of mind and soul, psychologically and spiritually lifting sagging souls from long, dry, sandy days in the sun.
Yesterday, all of the major news outlets reported that Trump called Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. It was a strategically smart move for Pres. Trump to attempt patching up a frayed and discordant relationship with him. If Pres. Trump does engage America in a war with North Korea, we will need strategic military bases, to serve as an important theatre of operations. Pres. Rodrigo Duterte's assistance and friendship in the Philippines would be as valuable now, as the strategic importance of the Philippines proved in WWII.
Perhaps,... the wheels are getting set in motion, even now. The one thing to remember, is that, even if Trump is driving this car, as it takes off speeding down the race track, there's still time to stop. After all, Trump's multi-billion dollar race car is equipped with anti-lock brakes, and like all cars...brakes come standard.
There is still time to stop and there is still hope.
"Good Night and Sweet dreams"
Sunday, April 30, 2017
What Are The "Archaic Rules", Trump Wants To Eliminate?
One of the political issues that Donald Trump currently is discussing in the media is what he calls "archaic rules". He says the Senate's "archaic rules" of filibuster, needs eliminated. Congress introduced the "rules of filibuster", around 1837, a tactic preventing measures from being brought to a vote. The most common form of filibuster occurs when a senator attempts to delay/block a vote on a bill by extending debate on the measure.
Granted, the rules are old and they may even be antiquated. However, to arbitrarily eliminate a set of agreed and approved bi-partisan rules that have governed discussion and debate between opposing senators, should require the participation of the senate majority's approval for careful consideration, before Presidential powers interfere and make edicts of executive orders/actions. Executive orders and actions with changes that rip up and alter the debate process, in the foundation of legislative democracy. Can the Presidential powers extended to a President legally change any "archaic rules"? Could any "archaic rules", be legally eliminated at will by the President?
Thank Goodness, for the wisdom of the protections that the original framers of the Constitution put in place. These protections prevent arbitrary malevolent decisions implemented by oligarchs who otherwise, would have been afforded Presidential powers of executive action, that could destroy democracy and the Constitution.
NO President can eliminate the "archaic rules", of the United States Constitution. The "archaic rules" of the "Bill of Rights", are amendments to the Constitution that require ratification by the states to make any changes to the Constitution.
Article Five of the United States Constitution
Granted, the rules are old and they may even be antiquated. However, to arbitrarily eliminate a set of agreed and approved bi-partisan rules that have governed discussion and debate between opposing senators, should require the participation of the senate majority's approval for careful consideration, before Presidential powers interfere and make edicts of executive orders/actions. Executive orders and actions with changes that rip up and alter the debate process, in the foundation of legislative democracy. Can the Presidential powers extended to a President legally change any "archaic rules"? Could any "archaic rules", be legally eliminated at will by the President?
Thank Goodness, for the wisdom of the protections that the original framers of the Constitution put in place. These protections prevent arbitrary malevolent decisions implemented by oligarchs who otherwise, would have been afforded Presidential powers of executive action, that could destroy democracy and the Constitution.
NO President can eliminate the "archaic rules", of the United States Constitution. The "archaic rules" of the "Bill of Rights", are amendments to the Constitution that require ratification by the states to make any changes to the Constitution.
Article Five of the United States Constitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution, the nation's frame of government, may be altered. Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification. Amendments may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a convention of states called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures.[1] To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must be ratified by either—as determined by Congress—the legislatures of three-quarters of the states or state ratifying conventions in three-quarters of the states.[2] The vote of each state (to either ratify or reject a proposed amendment) carries equal weight, regardless of a state's population or length of time in the Union.
Additionally, Article V temporarily shielded certain clauses in Article I from being amended. The first clause in Section 9, which prevented Congress from passing any law that would restrict the importation of slaves prior to 1808, and the fourth clause in that same section, a declaration that direct taxes must be apportioned according to state populations, were explicitly shielded from Constitutional amendment prior to 1808. It also shields the first clause of Article I, Section 3, which provides for equal representation of the states in the Senate, from being amended, though not absolutely.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.[3
Friday, April 28, 2017
Less Than 2 Hours...
It's less than 2 hours till Trump's 100 day milestone, from the desk clock I am looking at in Grandpoppy's office.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked, "What are the accomplishment's in Trump's 100 days in office achieved, so far?" I doubt he was looking for answers like, "failed healthcare repair/repeal, failed immigration bans, failed Mexican/American wall construction, failed significant employment increases and jobs returning to American miners and steel workers and failed restoration of the middle class."
"Are we winning, yet?"
Lawrence O'Donnell asked, "What are the accomplishment's in Trump's 100 days in office achieved, so far?" I doubt he was looking for answers like, "failed healthcare repair/repeal, failed immigration bans, failed Mexican/American wall construction, failed significant employment increases and jobs returning to American miners and steel workers and failed restoration of the middle class."
"Are we winning, yet?"
Trump's Missing Affirmation
Good afternoon!
It's 99 days into Donald Trump's Presidency. This morning it is reported, that he has said that the job of being President, is harder than he thought it would be. He says he misses his old life.
Apparently, Trump didn't understand that his quest for approval and validation is a private and personal journey. If he is looking for external validation of his internal worth as a human being, in the eyes of strangers... he will never find peace. When we are missing that essentially spiritual, internal validation that tells us, we are "good enough", we must look inward. The real shame belongs to the person he most respected and craved approval from, long ago, who withheld that affirmation from him. Maybe, they didn't know the importance or the real value it contributed, because they never got it, either.
It is a big mistake to live life, continually trying to collect love and admiration from strangers. We can never collect enough superficial love, approval and admiration from strangers, to use as a temporary soothing balm, filling the sore gaping hole in our wounded inner-child's spirit to permanently heal us, as adults.
Our nation is facing so many problems, both foreign and domestic, that it feels almost overwhelming. America's greatest need, right now is a wise, solid-thinking and reliable leader with a steady hand to guide our country. It's not an easy task and no one doubts the immensity of the job.
Pres. Trump should realize that how he chooses to govern, is not about him and his legacy, but about America and the legacy that the "shining city upon a hill", leaves the world. He is merely an instrument serving to keep the lamp lit.
Tomorrow, Pres. Trump reaches the iconic milestone of 100 days in office. The final tally of his Presidential accomplishments will not reach fruition until day 1,460. In the meantime, the world anxiously waits for his legacy's next chapter to be written in the history book of the world.
From Wikipedia:
It's 99 days into Donald Trump's Presidency. This morning it is reported, that he has said that the job of being President, is harder than he thought it would be. He says he misses his old life.
Apparently, Trump didn't understand that his quest for approval and validation is a private and personal journey. If he is looking for external validation of his internal worth as a human being, in the eyes of strangers... he will never find peace. When we are missing that essentially spiritual, internal validation that tells us, we are "good enough", we must look inward. The real shame belongs to the person he most respected and craved approval from, long ago, who withheld that affirmation from him. Maybe, they didn't know the importance or the real value it contributed, because they never got it, either.
It is a big mistake to live life, continually trying to collect love and admiration from strangers. We can never collect enough superficial love, approval and admiration from strangers, to use as a temporary soothing balm, filling the sore gaping hole in our wounded inner-child's spirit to permanently heal us, as adults.
Our nation is facing so many problems, both foreign and domestic, that it feels almost overwhelming. America's greatest need, right now is a wise, solid-thinking and reliable leader with a steady hand to guide our country. It's not an easy task and no one doubts the immensity of the job.
Pres. Trump should realize that how he chooses to govern, is not about him and his legacy, but about America and the legacy that the "shining city upon a hill", leaves the world. He is merely an instrument serving to keep the lamp lit.
Tomorrow, Pres. Trump reaches the iconic milestone of 100 days in office. The final tally of his Presidential accomplishments will not reach fruition until day 1,460. In the meantime, the world anxiously waits for his legacy's next chapter to be written in the history book of the world.
From Wikipedia:
America is a shining city upon a hill
"As Ronald Reagan emphasized, America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."[1]
And, "As Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address to the nation, 'I've spoken of the Shining City all my political life. …In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still.'"
"President-elect John F. Kennedy said, in an address to the Massachusetts Legislature on January 9, 1961, “During the last 60 days I have been engaged in the task of constructing an administration…. I have been guided by the standard John Winthrop set before his shipmates on the flagship Arabella [sic] 331 years ago, as they, too, faced the task of building a government on a new and perilous frontier. ‘We must always consider,’ he said, ‘that we shall be as a city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us.’ Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us—and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, State, and local, must be as a city upon a hill—constructed and inhabited by men aware of their grave trust and their great responsibilities.”—Congressional Record, January 10, 1961, vol. 107, Appendix, p. A169..."
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Trump's War...The Road To Perdition
It is a Thursday evening, Max and Millie and me are setting out on our nightly journey. Glorious twilight has begun to yield her rich blaze of color, to the "dark, sacred night", in the words of one of G-d's most creatively anointed musical messengers, in the genre of Jazz.
I find myself considering G-d's handiwork with perpetually renewed awe, as Max and Millie guide our path from a four-legged point of reference, on to their favored doggy depositories. Our puppies tend to be a little persnickety. They carefully choose and address all manner of indigenous flora and fungi in the neighborhood, before bedtime. It allows me to drink in the panoramic vision all around me. It feels slightly overwhelming to comprehend all of G-d's magnificent portrait's of nature. The magnificent biota of nature created to thrive on this planet, in this one place, everywhere around me. When me and the puppies returned home, I turned on our television, at that moment CNN reported:
“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump said in an interview with Reuters.
I remember an old spiritual hymn our church sang when I was young, the chorus section said, "... and there is no night there".
Maybe, tomorrow night... I will linger a little longer with Max and Millie to dance in the ocean's foam and revel in the great beauty of twilight, before it's gone forever. Before we are purged from our place in the sun.
I find myself considering G-d's handiwork with perpetually renewed awe, as Max and Millie guide our path from a four-legged point of reference, on to their favored doggy depositories. Our puppies tend to be a little persnickety. They carefully choose and address all manner of indigenous flora and fungi in the neighborhood, before bedtime. It allows me to drink in the panoramic vision all around me. It feels slightly overwhelming to comprehend all of G-d's magnificent portrait's of nature. The magnificent biota of nature created to thrive on this planet, in this one place, everywhere around me. When me and the puppies returned home, I turned on our television, at that moment CNN reported:
“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump said in an interview with Reuters.
I remember an old spiritual hymn our church sang when I was young, the chorus section said, "... and there is no night there".
Maybe, tomorrow night... I will linger a little longer with Max and Millie to dance in the ocean's foam and revel in the great beauty of twilight, before it's gone forever. Before we are purged from our place in the sun.
Trump's Tax Reform Proposal
There's a soft cool rush of the afternoon wind, passing through a profusion of newly green leaves hanging from the branches of our Sycamore tree. The sound is like hearing a straw broom brushing gently over my Turkish Travertine tiled kitchen floor. The sun is shining through Grandpoppy's office window and the weekend is coming. Rest for the weary. I've planned to spend my upcoming weekend, treasure hunting through antique shops lining the touristy Pacific shores of California. Grandpoppy and I will be searching for authentic maritime navigational devices and books, to adorn the walls and shelves of our living room.
In the news today, Trump's proposal for tax reform is being considered for passage in Congress. Tax reform is another one of those complex issues that, if passed, could have far-reaching consequences for every citizen, in every state of the union.
Financial tax experts say that after reviewing Trump's Tax Reform outline, people who live in states with progressive tax codes, like California, New York, Oregon and New Jersey will pay higher taxes. Currently, taxpayers in states with higher tax rates are able to deduct more from their federal taxes, than those who live in states with lower rates.
Then, there is also the issue of changes that impact state revenues, due to changes affecting Federal Estate Taxes.
This could easily turn into a real hornets nest and get ugly real fast. Obamacare repeal turned into a healthcare debacle of epic proportion and this tax reform proposal, could equally follow suit, ultimately enjoying the destiny of the Dodo bird.
Granny Annie has decided to serve a delicious pot of soup for lunch, complete with fried rice, wontons and iced lemon-ginger tea. A fortune cookie is included. (Please note: all foods listed on the menu will be taxed following the Trump Tax Reform guidelines. Higher state taxes will apply.)
"Granny Annie's Politic Cafe Bird Nest Soup"
In the news today, Trump's proposal for tax reform is being considered for passage in Congress. Tax reform is another one of those complex issues that, if passed, could have far-reaching consequences for every citizen, in every state of the union.
Financial tax experts say that after reviewing Trump's Tax Reform outline, people who live in states with progressive tax codes, like California, New York, Oregon and New Jersey will pay higher taxes. Currently, taxpayers in states with higher tax rates are able to deduct more from their federal taxes, than those who live in states with lower rates.
Then, there is also the issue of changes that impact state revenues, due to changes affecting Federal Estate Taxes.
This could easily turn into a real hornets nest and get ugly real fast. Obamacare repeal turned into a healthcare debacle of epic proportion and this tax reform proposal, could equally follow suit, ultimately enjoying the destiny of the Dodo bird.
Granny Annie has decided to serve a delicious pot of soup for lunch, complete with fried rice, wontons and iced lemon-ginger tea. A fortune cookie is included. (Please note: all foods listed on the menu will be taxed following the Trump Tax Reform guidelines. Higher state taxes will apply.)
"Granny Annie's Politic Cafe Bird Nest Soup"
- 10ounces fish base, dried bird nests
- 1tablespoon oil
- 12cups chicken stock
- 1tablespoon fresh gingerroot, chopped
- 1⁄2cup chicken meat, small diced
- 1⁄2cup straw mushroom, diced
- roux, cornstarch
- Soak bird’s nest overnight. Then remove water and clean.
- In a stockpot add cooking oil and boil the chicken stock then add in birds nest. Let it heat for 10 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and let it heat for another 10 minutes. Add in cornstarch roux to lightly thicken the soup and stir in the chicken meat, mushrooms and turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes before serving.
"Boner Appertite!"
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Trump's Tax Plan and His Conflict of Interest
Good evening! It's two days till the, "Trump 100 Deadline".
Our resident "Narcissist-in-Chief", has been hard at work in the Oval Office. He appears to be determined to pull off a SLICK financial coup and a promise kept for his Presidential legacy, recorded in history books.
The new tax plan he endorses will cut corporate taxes from 35% down to 15%.
No doubt, this is a boon for big business and multi-national corporations. Donald Trump may actually be the biggest winner, resulting from this new tax plan. However, it is unlikely that he would forego such a generous tax break, out of a sense of altruism and patriotic duty, that would benefit him handsomely. The question about a "Conflict of Interest", just like Nepotism and the Emoluments Clause obviously, do not apply to him or they would be enforced.
There are other serious questions to ask, as well. How is the gaping slack from these tax breaks going to be resolved? Ultimately, the introductory college Bookkeeping 110 course offered at every local community college in the country, begs the question... "Who is going to pay for these tax breaks? How will the tax deficits be recovered, restored, returned or paid back into the nation's treasury?" Will Pres. Donald Trump invoke the age old carnival trick of smoke and mirrors? Perhaps, it will require some magical creative accounting by one of Trump's financial Houdini's?
Our resident "Narcissist-in-Chief", has been hard at work in the Oval Office. He appears to be determined to pull off a SLICK financial coup and a promise kept for his Presidential legacy, recorded in history books.
The new tax plan he endorses will cut corporate taxes from 35% down to 15%.
No doubt, this is a boon for big business and multi-national corporations. Donald Trump may actually be the biggest winner, resulting from this new tax plan. However, it is unlikely that he would forego such a generous tax break, out of a sense of altruism and patriotic duty, that would benefit him handsomely. The question about a "Conflict of Interest", just like Nepotism and the Emoluments Clause obviously, do not apply to him or they would be enforced.
There are other serious questions to ask, as well. How is the gaping slack from these tax breaks going to be resolved? Ultimately, the introductory college Bookkeeping 110 course offered at every local community college in the country, begs the question... "Who is going to pay for these tax breaks? How will the tax deficits be recovered, restored, returned or paid back into the nation's treasury?" Will Pres. Donald Trump invoke the age old carnival trick of smoke and mirrors? Perhaps, it will require some magical creative accounting by one of Trump's financial Houdini's?
Donald Trump's 500 businesses would pose 'unprecedented ethical dilemma'
By David Goldman
March 17, 2016
Donald Trump controls more than 500 companies -- many of which could create conflicts of interest should he become president.
CNNMoney interviewed ethics lawyers who worked for President George W. Bush, presidential candidates Bob Dole, John Kerry, John McCain and Mitt Romney, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. They all said that Trump would have more potential business conflicts than any former president.
Trump has not committed to selling his businesses, and instead he has said many times that his children and executives would manage them.
"This is certainly going to present an unprecedented ethical dilemma if Trump wins," said Kenneth Gross, a partner at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, who provided legal assistance to several presidential candidates during their campaigns. "He can't just get amnesia. He's stuck with the knowledge of what he owns."
As president, Trump would not be required to sell any of his investments or businesses. The U.S. Financial Conflict of Interest Statute prohibits unelected officials of the executive branch from holding stakes in assets that would conflict with their ability to properly do their jobs.For example, former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson sold off his company stock before he became Treasury Secretary in 2006.
Executive branch officials also are prohibited from earning income from their businesses and must abide by strict impartiality rules.
But Congress decided not to apply those restrictions to the president or vice president. They have to disclose their holdings, but they don't have to disown them.So Donald Trump could be president without selling his businesses.
Keeping up with appearances
Still, most candidates try to eliminate conflicts of interest well before Election Day.
Mitt Romney put his assets into a blind trust during the 2012 presidential campaign. So did Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. The late Jack Kemp left his seat on Oracle's board during the 1996 election. And Nelson Rockefeller offered to put his substantial holdings into a trust while being confirmed by the Senate to serve as Gerald Ford's vice president in 1974.
President Obama opted not to put his money into a blind trust, but his holdings are almost entirely made up of bland investments like U.S. Treasuries and mutual funds.
Trump is in a different situation. Investments can be put into a trust that someone else controls. That's harder to do with businesses, especially since he has so many.To truly eliminate a conflict of interest, Trump would have to sell off his businesses and put his proceeds in what's known as a double blind trust. In that arrangement, Trump would have no communication with his chief financial adviser in order to avoid any suggestion of impropriety.
"You rely on a president taking the advice of ethics lawyers to do everything possible -- including the sale of assets -- to avoid a conflict of interest," said Richard Painter, law professor at the University of Minnesota and former ethics attorney for President George W. Bush. "You want the president to keep up with appearances."
Conflicts of interest
Jimmy Carter, like Donald Trump, was a business owner. He held a peanut farm in Georgia that he relinquished control of in 1977 before he became president. Carter's friend, Atlanta attorney Charles Kirbo, ran the farm during his presidency.
But Trump owns far more than Carter did. He controls real estate, hotels, golf courses across the country and and all over the world. What if President Trump orchestrated a favorable trade deal in one of the countries where he holds property? Or if he set aside national park land near one of his golf courses? Or if Congress passed immigration or worker laws that affected his hotels or other ventures?
A spokeswoman for Trump declined to say whether Trump would consider selling his companies to avoid potential conflicts.Conflicts of interest aren't just hypothetical scenarios. They can have real consequences.
At the nation's founding, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson held vast plantations in Virginia and did nothing to stem the growth of slavery in the country.
"The greatest tragedy in our country was caused by plantation owners' conflicts of interest," said Painter. "They did not grapple with the slavery issue, and they clearly exacerbated it."Dick Cheney, while serving as vice president, retained the $34 million in Halliburton stock options he was granted during his tenure as the company's CEO. Though he pledged to donate to charity any money he made off the options, they became a major political issue when the United States went to war in Iraq.
Unlike Trump, Cheney never held a controlling interest in any company.
The closest parallel to Trump might be Bloomberg, who maintained control of his company, Bloomberg LP, throughout his three terms as New York's mayor. Mayor Bloomberg never set foot in the company's headquarters, but he continued to make big corporate decisions, including acquisitions and major hirings, according to Gross, who handled Bloomberg's financial disclosures.
"Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"
This Morning's 2017 Republican Party Campaign Donations from the NCBA?
Good Morning! "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood", to quote Mr. Rogers. However, this mornings news is somewhat disturbing, because Pres. Trump has authorized Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke to review any national monument created since January 1, 1996, that spans at least 100,000 acres supposedly "to make sure the people have a voice" in which lands receive the highest level of federal protection.
First..."what people", is Pres. Trump specifically talking about? Would that "people", be the National Cattlemen's Beef Association?
Secondly, would the "level of federal protection", be diminished to afford/improve multinational corporations restored and expanded cattle grazing permits on federal lands, such as the "Grand Staircase-Escalante" region in southern Utah? This particular area of land, alone is 1,880,461 acres. That's alot of cattle grazing land that corporations could use to graze their cattle and pay little or nothing for grazing rights and when they are done with it...just leave it as barren as the Sahara Desert. It is much like when mining corporations strip mine an area and leave it destroyed and walk away. They finish raping and pillaging our national resources without any conscience or accountability.
Pres. Trump, our nationally elected, "Narcissist-in-Chief", has no soul and no concern about safeguarding the environment. His only concern is money and his popularity polls. He doesn't care who he steps on or over, to accomplish his objectives. I believe that Pres. Trump is a man who has no wisdom. He appears to be the kind of man, who can be bought and easily flattered into establishing detrimental national edicts. Since Pres. Trump is actively involved in raising money for his next 2020 Presidential race, I wonder if he will be getting any financial incentive, like a campaign donation, as a return on this morning's newest Presidential edict?
Stats Supplied According to Open
Center for Responsive Politics
ranks 374 of 18,569
$342,009 (2015)
ranks 632 of 3,729 in 2016
Contributions from Individuals
Contributions from PACs
First..."what people", is Pres. Trump specifically talking about? Would that "people", be the National Cattlemen's Beef Association?
Secondly, would the "level of federal protection", be diminished to afford/improve multinational corporations restored and expanded cattle grazing permits on federal lands, such as the "Grand Staircase-Escalante" region in southern Utah? This particular area of land, alone is 1,880,461 acres. That's alot of cattle grazing land that corporations could use to graze their cattle and pay little or nothing for grazing rights and when they are done with it...just leave it as barren as the Sahara Desert. It is much like when mining corporations strip mine an area and leave it destroyed and walk away. They finish raping and pillaging our national resources without any conscience or accountability.
Pres. Trump, our nationally elected, "Narcissist-in-Chief", has no soul and no concern about safeguarding the environment. His only concern is money and his popularity polls. He doesn't care who he steps on or over, to accomplish his objectives. I believe that Pres. Trump is a man who has no wisdom. He appears to be the kind of man, who can be bought and easily flattered into establishing detrimental national edicts. Since Pres. Trump is actively involved in raising money for his next 2020 Presidential race, I wonder if he will be getting any financial incentive, like a campaign donation, as a return on this morning's newest Presidential edict?
Stats Supplied According to Open
Center for Responsive Politics
National Cattlemen's Beef Assn
Money to congressional candidates: 2016 Cycle
Dems: | ![]() | $99,700 |
Repubs: | ![]() | $1,011,400 |
Others: | ![]() | $0 |
Incumbents: | ![]() | $978,850 |
Non-Incumbents: | ![]() | $132,250 |
National Cattlemen's Beef Assn
Profile for 2016 Election Cycle
$1,228,600ranks 374 of 18,569
$396,269 (2016)$342,009 (2015)
ranks 632 of 3,729 in 2016
Contributions to candidates: $1,121,100
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $39,000
Contributions to parties: $30,000
Contributions to 527 committees: $0
Contributions to outside spending groups: $17,500
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $39,000
Contributions to parties: $30,000
Contributions to 527 committees: $0
Contributions to outside spending groups: $17,500
Top Recipients
Recipient | Total | From Indivs | From Orgs |
![]() | $22,500 | $0 | $22,500 |
![]() | $17,500 | $0 | $17,500 |
![]() | $16,000 | $0 | $16,000 |
![]() | $15,000 | $0 | $15,000 |
![]() | $15,000 | $0 | $15,000 |
![]() | $15,000 | $0 | $15,000 |
![]() | $15,000 | $0 | $15,000 |
![]() | $14,500 | $0 | $14,500 |
![]() | $14,500 | $0 | $14,500 |
![]() | $13,100 | $500 | $12,600 |
![]() |
The total of contributions to candidates from National Cattlemen's Beef Assn PACs is 149 times larger than contributions from individuals
Contributions from Individuals
Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $396,269 (2016)
3 out of 11 National Cattlemen's Beef Assn lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
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