Sunday, July 2, 2017

Vladimir Putin Is Watching Trump's After School Special!!!

Good morning! The only thing that separates Trump from the 6th. grade bully mentality on the playgrounds in American elementary schools, is ending his current tweet with the words ..."Na, Na, Nah-Naa, Nah!!!" or the tried and true response of, "Nanny-Nanny, Boo-Boooh!"

Congratulations Trump! You have exceeded my expectations and taken simple minded innuendo and thinly veiled promotion of violence to a new institutional level! I wonder if Jaime Diamond or Rex Tillerson, Wilbur Ross, Warren Buffett or Bill Gates ever used the same 6th. grade bully technique to get their shareholders to exact revenge on the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times reporters who criticize their business decisions and critique them personally?

Yes...Trump has set a new bar for future Presidents and world leaders, to admire and emulate. His grasp of the personal and Presidential honor of holding the highest office in the land coupled with his responsibility of being the leader of the free world, is unparalleled in modern Presidential history! His shameful display of unabashed immaturity is flabbergasting!

Vladimir Putin must be laughing his ass off at America about now!!!

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