Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Société Secrète...

Good evening! Today, the sun has blazed alternately behind a clouded horizon. It's unimpeded appearance of focused sunshine, at times, feels like an invisible laser beam blistering your skin. And still... the world around us is unchanged, the tide continues its ceaseless rhythm, rolling in countless series of azure green crashes against the hot granulated shore.

Trump and Putin are like 2 furtive lovers, fleshed out in the written romances of Shakespeare, each holding a crimson red rose. The 2 of them, meeting in a society 'sub rosa. Their clandestine meeting barred from any inquisitive interruption of party guests. They cautiously conspire in the exchange of their torrid, fanciful plans of a life together. Moments only shared in memory of each others flirtatious glances, captured in an audaciously brazen risk, beyond the reach of all possible onlookers ready to interfere, expose and savage the veiled romance, exclusively meant for two.

It would not be a far stretch to characterize Trump or Putin, in a strictly philosophical context of the phrase, as the romanticized ..."lover of my soul", kind of compatriots who nurture a shared and speculated nefarious goal, supposed by the world watching. Their second secret G-20 meeting, only came to the attention of the world news outlets in America, by the ironic tweet of Ian Bremmer, a political scientist and consultant, disclosing the second meeting of Trump/Putin at the G-20 summit.

It is highly doubtful, they spent that hour innocently meeting, to exchange secret family recipes for meatloaf and borscht. It is a certainty, that we may never know the full scope of their shared conversation. What is most troubling, is why there was only 1 Russian translator present and no American translator needed? Why did this meeting need to be secret? Why didn't the press corp know about this meeting before it was leaked?

Americans are standing at the door of an allied dictatorship, some are carefully cognizant, while timidly bent over the rose bushes, peeking in the window at the looming dark shadows. Other Americans are passively willing, ignorantly yielding or lazily abdicating their personal responsibility for the vigilant guarding of their liberty. Obliviously, allowing themselves and our country's foundation of democracy, to be changed daily and re-molded, by an unquestioned and secreted society of camaraderie between Trump/Putin's 'sub rosa union.

                                                   "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"

                                                                "Boner Appertite!"

'Sub Rosa is a Latin term meaning secrecy, literally translating to 'under the rose'. The rose in ancient times was a symbol of sworn confidence of participants at a meeting.'


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