Friday, July 7, 2017

Putin's 2 Legged Golden Retriever

Guten Abend! It's a humid day with temperatures in the high 90's. The allure of sea-glass green water holds an irresistible temptation to "come hither" and frolic with abandon, in the cool crashing waves of the Pacific shoreline.

I hear the old 1973 Seals & Croft song, "We May Never Pass This Way Again", playing distantly in my memory, as I dip my toes into the ocean's refreshing surf. The temperature, sights, sounds and smells are all epitomized in the creative cinematic tales of lost love, new romance, renewed romance and romance remembered in days spent by the seashore. Time well spent.

Tonight's major televised news outlets are congratulating Trump's Presidential performance in his participation of the G-20 summit. They especially give kudos for his extended private discussion with Vladimir Putin. Trump and Putin have agreed to the southwest Syrian ceasefire, which will allow humanitarian aid to begin.

I cannot help, but wonder about the origin and veracity of a suddenly agreed policy between the world's super-powers and their especially cozy, bosom-buddy arrangement.

Vladimir Putin is an intelligent man and nobody's fool. Trump's private meeting with Putin may actually be an exercise in politically fine tuning Trump, in efforts to further Putin's agenda and remove sanctions against Russia. It's possible that neither party will rain on each other's parade, in order to amicably partner, so that American oil companies can drill for oil in Russia.

It would take oil money away from the Arabs. The Russians would sell oil to Europe and America would sell oil to everyone else around the world. It would benefit Trump and Putin to keep Arabic wars going to distract them and remove Arabic and Persian influence in the Middle East. It would allow Israel more freedom to expand their influence and thereby making it easier for America to control the oil fields. Iraq is the only fly in their ointment, for American and Russian oil companies. If a plan like this were successful, it would leave Saudi Arabia out in the cold.

If Putin does have some sensitive information on Trump, he is using to blackmail Trump, this would be a perfect time to ensure Trump's continued acquiescence in a private face-to-face meeting. Putin gets to privately gauge Trump's level of mental/emotional stability and willingness to dance to the propaganda that the Master's tune is playing.  

The American media's rush to applaud Trump's diplomatic prowess and success with Putin, seems a little odd, with no critique.

Who didn't reasonably expect Trump to come out of his meeting, with some sort of positive achievement? Trump successfully followed Chief Strategist Steve Bannon's script, so he could spend the next 3 years bragging about it. Trump was right when he said in his election campaign, that America would be saying, "Please Mr. President, stop winning! We're tired of hearing about it!" He'll beat us down and sap our American patience and strength with his non-stop bragging!

Putin's art of Trump's deal, gave his most useful narcissist, something he could legitimately nail onto his short list of Presidential accomplishments. After all, Trump had to explain his private 2 hour discussion, somehow.

In the end, I can imagine that Putin may have amicably accomplished his Syrian ceasefire agreement with Trump, by generously delivering a pat on the head to his favorite golden retriever. Then rewarding Trump with a tasty milk bone, followed by an exuberant "Good Boy!",  just for good measure.

                                                    "Gute Nacht Und Sube Traume!"                  

                                                                "Boner Appertite!"


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