Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Last Destruction In 2017

Good morning! The Hermit Kingdom's dear leader Kim Jong Un, continued to test ICBM's yesterday. According to the Washington Post reports, there are experts that say that this latest test launch is a grave milestone.

So when will Kim Jong Un launch the fateful nuclear tipped ICBM, that will hit the North American coast line?

Thomas Alva Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." The inventor of Clorox Formula 409, worked in agreement with Edison's observation. The well-known industrial and household cleaning product serves as a testament to the power of perseverance. It's inventor named the product "Formula 409", because it took 408 previous failures, before his product was perfected and ready to be marketed to the masses.

It is likely that one day soon, after Kim Jong Un's scientists work with unprecedented fervor and fury, they will produce the dreaded weapon of death to America. Before we are inextricably embroiled in this horrific genesis of warfare between us, will America's Pres. Trump be able to properly navigate, negotiate and handle a potential nuclear war with North Korea to a successful non-violent conclusion? Will Pres. Trump instigate nuclear war with North Korea? Who will be the members of Trump's diplomatic team of advisers? Will there be a counsel of experienced wise old heads, making recommendations and directing this serious conundrum to a peaceful end? Would Trump listen to these advisers, anyway?

This event is a dangerous challenge issued to the Trump Administration that will either end in success or doom for the people living on the Pacific coastline.

They have become the pawns in Trump's novice game of chess. The game of chess is always won either by : checkmate, forfeiture, resignation, adjudication or time called on the game. The game of chess is not won by a draw, the same way nuclear war cannot be won by a draw.  In the dangerous game of nuclear war-everyone loses! 

Albert Einstein said that the war after WWIII, would be fought with sticks and stones. Are we going to embark upon the last nuclear armed war, in human history soon? It's also worthy of note, to remember that Albert Einstein also said, "War is evidence of a bankrupt philosophy."

                                                      "Boner Appertite!"

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