Monday, July 3, 2017

Electoral College Can't Change This...

Good Morning! There is an unpainted panoramic beauty in my mind's eye of the ceaseless crash of the sea green waves sweeping all the unanchored, ashore. The salty smell of the Pacific mist, rides above the waves of the gentle morning anew, delivering the inspiring and romantic dreams of a red, white and blue colored holiday of centuried celebration in America.

There is a sense of sea change coming in America. Democracy isn't dead, yet. The Electoral College will have no influence to change the popular will of the people, in the next upcoming election of Congress!

The Democratic party should take heart, because we should not accept the belief that we are powerless to change the course of politics, for the better in America. The Republican party should be afraid. The next Congressional election of House of Representatives and State Senators will drive a new course to right the capsized political boat for many American voters. However, it remains to be seen, if the American public has become wizened by Trump's immature shenanigans and abuse of office, as well, as his Republican cohorts in crime. The next Congressional elections have the opportunity to set aright, what is currently wrong with the Republican dominated seats.

These important Congressional elections will represent a "True North", course correction for the ignored and under represented citizen taxpayers, funding every issue and government project under the American flag. The greater than 2% of American citizenry is tax weary. We know there is no equally shared tax burden. We know, we bear the brunt of the tax burden. The greater than 2% of Americans only wish they had the benefits and luxuries of the top 2%!

The current Republican House of Representatives and Senators would be well-advised to discretely keep a card board box by their official desks. They will need them, when they are unceremoniously removed from their big lobbyist paid campaign seats that only represent the best interest of the highest paying big businesses in the world. The influence that big businesses enjoy in the governance of American citizens cannot be understated and dismissed as inconsequential, because that is not true. How rich is really rich enough? How much money does it take for our elected government representatives sent to Washington, D.C. to pass laws and fund projects, to use their discretionary powers to help the entire citizenry and not just the wealthy-enough to pay for special favors group?

Do you know who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

It was birthed from Thomas Jefferson's sincere heart-felt beliefs. The scribed delivery of his beliefs framed the world-famous document known as the "Declaration of Independence". This document asserted and set the foundation for American's standard of human rights in the most impressive and succinct statement, ever written in history about America's philosophy of government. It gave the concept of democracy a realistic life to enact palpable changes for bettering the lives of it's citizens in a burgeoning government built by and for all Americans.

The great shame today should come, if our country's highest elected officials, shamelessly sell the keys to the White House and all of it's real estate holdings, to the highest bidders. That philosophical act would destroy the soul of democracy and the prescribed architecture of the governmental foundation that built America and all of her people with it. Will the change of seats by a new group of elected politicians, ensure saving American democracy from the past, present and future soulless and selfish Wall Street brokers/lobbyists in office?

What is the purpose of all the work we do? All the efforts and sacrifices we make, if not for the good of those we love, left behind us?

A temporarily vain and superficial sense of emotional self-gratification, will not replace or fill the most precious void of our reason for living, if we don't leave behind something good and meaningful for others when we die.

                                "Happy Independence Day!" and "Boner Appertite!"          

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