Friday, July 21, 2017

Sean Spicer's singing John Hiatt's, "Gone" song tonight

Good afternoon! The cool Pacific breeze blows gently across the dunes conjuring up machinations of lazy days spent drinking pina coladas and strawberry margaritas.

Breaking news this morning, from the White House, reveals the crux of Sean Spicer's professional demise and promised resignation, if Anthony Scaramucci is appointed to Mike Dubke's previously held position of the White House Communication's Director, in the Trump Administration. Trump has been trying consistently, to build an effectively loyal staff that can suppress growing allegations of Russian ties to his Presidential campaign and election, unfettered by the constraints of nobilis integritas. It may be pre-mature to suppose that Scarymucci may be more than adequately educated for this position and possess a certain amount of oily professional currency to adequately lubricate and possibly influence mass public opinion, in Trump's favor.

It should be a satisfying victory for Melania Trump, since months ago, it was reported that she allegedly didn't like Sean and wanted him gone. The reports surfaced about the same time that the confidence in Spicer's image to represent the White House allegedly started to wane.

What is the truth? Who really wanted him gone?

Nary a word, has been mentioned about Melania Trump's pleasure in Spicer's resignation and estrangement from the Trump organization's executive roll call.

The opinion expressed by many ordinary American citizen's have been repeatedly voiced in resounding echoes, annotated in the written words of anti-Republican rants and forums around the country, in magazine and scientific digital domains of the cyber world. It appears that Spicer has been given the boot, in the usual Trump fashion. Trump's method of dismissal, is normally embarrassing and personally demeaning, when one of his lackey's professional currency has been exhausted.  After Trump has squeezed the lifeblood out of their careers, leaving nothing, but a discarded empty husk of what had augured to be a bright future. Today's news was Spicer's reward for volunteering his life's career to promote, justify and defend Trump's agenda, in exchange for a fleeting paycheck.

On a lighter note of encouragement, the evaporation of Sean Spicer's job reminds me of the Bluegrass song lyrics, hillbilly singer John Hiatt composed and recorded on his 2000 song album called, "Crossing Muddy Waters". The song title is "Gone!" and will appropriately delight and tickle a giggle out of you.

It must be said, that no other President in the history of America has managed to engineer the reshaping and discarding of all previously accepted generational protocols and praxis of past Presidential administrations, like Donald Trump! Today's latest breaking news just emphasizes another example of the unqualified leadership and the chaotic management style, Trump is implementing with the approval of his "Rasputinian",  Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, to effectively dismantle and deconstruct work in the white columned portals of the highest offices of American government.

If Scarymucci thinks he is immune to 44 1/2's  insane management style and unhinged personality disorders, he is just as deluded as all the rest of the ass kissing trumpeters, who came before him, attempting to ingratiate themselves to this aspiring orange dictator in the White House.

If Scarymucci can last long enough, I'll bet there will be a song befitting the end of his life's work and embroiled career, as well.

                                                     "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"                                                                                                                  

                                                                  "Boner Appertite!"

John Hiatt Lyrics


Gone like my last paycheck gone gone away
Gone like the car I wrecked gone gone away
Gone like a fifth of gin gone gone away
Gone like the shape I'm in gone gone away
My baby's gone away

Gone like a Nixon file gone gone away
Gone like my landlord smile gone gone away
Gone like the furniture gone gone away
Gone like the rest of her gone gone away
My baby's gone away

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