Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"We Are The Servants Of A Great Nation"...

Good afternoon! The endless crashing waves of the ocean plays its own kind of  rhythmic drum beat upon the Pacific shore daily. My ears hear the constant ostinato pattern, in a sort of metaphysical way, that is a spiritual comfort cuddling my soul in a soft warm blanket. The sea-glass green waves keep their own kind of wound clock, returning on their time, without the influence/direction of man's schedule, to pound and crash on the shore again.

Nature is the ocean's master. Nature's hidden internal mechanism directs its final authority to guide its destiny, for better or worse.

Some men in history share the same kind of internal, spiritual mechanism, choosing the way they direct and conduct the business of their lives, for the better or for the worse of all.

Today,  the honorable Sen. John McCain returned from his medical leave of absence, to place his "yes" vote, to continue a Congressional discussion and debate for formulating and writing a new comprehensive repeal/replacement to Obamacare. In his speech to Congress, he said 2 things that were quite significant points to heed, for the benefit of his fellow lawmakers and the benefit of every American.

Most importantly he said, "We are not the President's subordinates...we are his equals! We are the servants of a great nation..."

Next, Sen. McCain  admonished and exhorted his colleagues to work together to create a bipartisan healthcare plan, they could all proudly share part in... for the good of all Americans.

Thank You, Sen. John McCain! Today, you have voiced the sentiments of many ordinary Americans, who thought theirs were the unheard voices, crying out in the wilderness. Every member of lawmakers elected to Congress, by their constituents, were sent there to make a positive difference in the lives of ordinary American citizens. Your words today, may have done that.

                                                                  "Boner Appertite!"

P.S. Get Well Soon and May The Lord G-d Almighty Be With You! Sincerely, Granny Annie

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