Thursday, July 27, 2017

Obamacare Survives...

Good evening! The moon hangs like a crescent shaped slice of cheddar cheese, among a star filled night sky. The wind has ceased to blow and stirs not, breathlessly waiting for some driving force to begin.

I am still up watching the live CNN coverage of the Congressional vote that will decide what happens in this country to the healthcare of millions of people, like me and Grandpoppy. Our Grandson is spending the night and has chosen to sit up with us to watch this historic vote that will change the course of healthcare in America forever. We have explained the importance of this vote to our Grandson, in a simple 4th. grade way, so that he might remember the night he didn't have to go to bed early, to share this historic moment in time with Grandma and Grandpoppy, even when we are gone and he is a grown man.

So, at 1:40 AM Eastern Time, Sen. Mitch McConnell spoke on the Senate floor after the "Skinny Repeal" failed. Sen. McConnell followed with a scorching tirade admonishing the Senators for their votes that caused the demise of the repeal of Obamacare.

My hope is that all parties will begin a mission of "healthcare repair", that will result in the improvement of Obamacare benefiting all Americans.

                                            "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"                            

                                                            "Boner Appertite!"

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