Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Same Hope Of Immigrants

Good morning! Waking up next to the ocean gently refreshes my mind and soul, every day.

It starts by gently permeating my day with natural beauty and the possibility of a better day. There is a lot to be said for waking up to simple beauty and the profound influence it has to refresh your mind and soul. For me, I find it renews my hope that this country is not finished being the beacon of democracy in the world. I have hope that the powerful players in Washington, D.C.(overt and covert) will continue trying to protect and defend the very basic tenets this country is built on, in spite of the evil and willful players in this kakistocracy, currently running my country into the ground, for their own selfish benefit.

I still have hope. The origin of my hope is no different from the hope of many immigrants who have sacrificed everything, to come to America. It is this hope for a better life, that drives people to struggle to obtain the benefits of citizenship, in a democratically governed country that loves freedom. They want to be active participants in a system of governance, that is unusual and peculiar, in a world of dictatorships and authoritarian control, aristocracies and oligarchies. Democracy is the freedom to choose. Immigrants thirst for this freedom, like water, that gives life to all who drink.

The Republican party members will either resist Trump or assist Trump, in destroying our country. Will the written and espoused values and standards  America was built upon continue, or choke and perish under the boot of Pres. Trump's administrative powers, on America's throat?

The Republican party should wisely heed Sen. John McCain's exhortation and admonition yesterday, to work in a bipartisan effort to craft a better healthcare policy that's written in the best interest of all of America's working class people. The next healthcare plan, must repair the problems of working class citizen's healthcare coverage to pass muster and unite this divided country.

Sen. John McCain is the voice of reason. His following words, are the Republican party's "True North", on our map of the world.


McCain: Move on to bipartisan healthcare bill

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Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., wants the Senate to move toward crafting a bipartisan health bill after the Senate GOP's latest Republican-only effort appears to have failed.
McCain said in a statement that the GOP has to "return to regular order" to craft a healthcare bill by holding hearings and working with Democrats. His statement comes after Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Jerry Moran, R-Kan., announced they oppose the Senates latest health bill, leaving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell without enough votes to advance it.
McCain has said that he would vote for a procedural motion to advance the bill, which partially repeals Obamacare, but stressed he would offer some amendments to help ease the effect of deep cuts to Medicaid.
Now he wants the Senate to move toward a more bipartisan approach to fix healthcare.
"One of the major problems with Obamacare is that it was written on a strictly party-line basis and driven through Congress without a single Republican vote," he said in a statement. "As the law continues to crumble in Arizona and states across the country, we must not repeat the same mistakes that led to Obamacare's failure."
McCain has been recuperating from an emergency surgery this past weekend to remove a blood clot above his eye. McConnell announced he was delaying a planned healthcare vote this week because of McCain's absence, further illustrating that he didn't have enough support to advance the measure.
Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, are also opposed to the bill, and Republicans can only afford two defections to pass it.
                                                           "Boner Appertite!"

P.S. Get Well Soon, Sen. John McCain.

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