Thursday, July 13, 2017

Get Well Soon, Pres. Jimmy Carter

Good evening! So many things have changed in America during my lifetime, that it scares me, in some ways. When we are young, we cannot fully comprehend the measure of life G-d gives us. Our understanding is limited, by youth.

However, the beauty of age realizes that the steady, unchanged things in life become a greater pleasure every day. I have learned to better appreciate the gifts of G-d. I am become acutely aware, that G-d has given me a cupful of life, the day I was born. I am mindful of my measure of life, the wasted portions and the useful salvaged remnants... as my measure naturally depletes daily, till my cup is empty and I am gone.

Tonight, I think about my Pres. Jimmy Carter. I truly hope he will be ok. I pray for him.

Pres. Carter is 92 years young and has been a dynamic private citizen and public figure, in the eyes of the world. He has not clamored for fame or fortune and has received both in this lifetime. When he dies, his legacy will be one of greatness, because of the decent man that lives inside of him. He was not a perfect President, without flaws. The elevation to President of the United States of America, didn't change the decent man his parents raised him to be.  He has lived in such a way, that America has not been made ashamed of him. He has lived a life of service to others and not just to and for himself. His contribution to the betterment of the world has made a difference to every life he has touched.

If his work was finished now, he could rest knowing, he has done much good in the world, for many. That is the definition of a life well lived. May G-d Bless Pres. Carter.

                                                 "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"

                                                             "Boner Appertite!"

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