Thursday, July 6, 2017

1989 "Field of Dreams"...

Buena Noches Amigos! It's a humid day by the Pacific Ocean.

Trump has begun his European vacation leaving his handlers nervous and the rest of his gang, doing whatever they do, back at the White House.

Trump's appointed Energy Secretary Rick Perry, seriously gave a well-noted, "little economics lesson about supply and demand", as reported by the Washington Post. The only fly in the ointment, was that he confused the actual facts that govern the long accepted business concept of supply and demand.

It's a toss up to decide whether Rick Perry or Donald Trump,was more confused about the facts in their recent public speeches. Trump's televised space speech heard by Buzz Aldrin standing in attendance behind him, was caught on camera looking incredulously at Trump during his entire speech. It's also possible that Aldrin might have been experiencing painful flatulence, at the time. If so...he appeared to be desperately trying to hold his grip, to prevent breaking wind, in order to avoid any bad "Breaking News".

Rick Perry soberly stood amid the press, looking suitably officious, as he offered his own confused/misguided interpretation of the Principles of Economics 110 concept. It is possible that Perry's assumed confusion... may not have been a display of confusion, but rather, he may actually subscribe to French economist and businessman Jean Baptiste Say's flawed theory of economics, called "Say's Law". Perry could have been repeating James Mill, who said "Supply creates its own demand."

Then there's a third school of thought, perhaps Perry has simply watched the movie, "Field of Dreams", too much.

Ya' know... sometimes, "if you build it, they don't come!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"

                                                                 "Boner Appertite!"

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