Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How Many Days Till WWIII Begins?

Good afternoon! Grandpoppy and I finished eating breakfast, this morning and sat down to listen to the televised speech Trump gave to the members of the U.N. It was disturbing at best... to say the least. The far reaching consequences to all of Trumps declarations and decisions are frightening! We both, sat wondering if Trump was announcing that America will be going to war with North Korea within the next few days? What exactly was the purpose of Trump's international declarations of his foreign policies? Was he preparing the world for nuclear war? Will there be a winner between Trump and Kim Jong Un, in this international game of chicken?

How does anyone, especially the ordinary American citizen prepare for the very real and daunting prospect of WWIII? This Presidential simpleton, is going to get us all killed! He is making Pres. G.W. Bush look like Winston Churchill! I never thought I would say it, but I miss G.W., for Lord's sake! Trump is making Vladimir Putin look like Mother Teresa!

While I have no illusions to the quietly corrupt power that Putin wields, I can say with certainty that Putin is intelligent and not ignorant, by any means. Putin has warned Trump several times, to use the diplomatic tools of dialogue and seasoned diplomacy to assuage tensions with Kim Jong Un. Putin is actually the real businessman with common sense, in this situation of global affairs, not Trump! I can hardly believe I am defending and complimenting Putin! It feels like I'm living in the twilight zone! Maybe, I'll go back to bed and when I wake up... it'll be a better and different day. Maybe the world will be at peace or at least...maybe America won't be acting true to the moniker, it has been tagged with, as an "Imperialistic Warmonger"!

Is there any redemption left in this story of global annihilation, before it's all over for mankind? WHO will be the hero who saves the day, to finally emerge in this chapter of world history? Will there be a hero?

If there is a single cause to launch America into global warfare, WHO will be the villain who plunges America into global war?

I am scared for the survival of the world! Lord, save us!

                                          "Good Day, Shalom and Peace on Earth!"

                                                         "Boner Appertite!"

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