I am reminded that G-d was a pragmatist of quite the artistic genius. It is written that G-d made the moon as the lesser arbiter between day and night, but the moon was the final arbiter, that divided light from darkness.
I am humbled in the knowledge that G-d has never left mankind, without a remembrance of HIS constant presence manifested by the light he set into the great void of the universe. HE is faithful, HE never leaves us. HIS light is always there with us, day and night. HE placed the glittering stars as companions to the moon and a compass to guide the lost ancient and modern day wanderers and sea-tossed sailors of the world.
Sometimes, when I am troubled, after prayer, I look to the moon and stars pondering answers. Sometimes, it helps me to find my answers and other nights, I just see sparkling tiny light bulbs, lighting my way... till I can find the answers. And I think to myself, here is all of this natural beauty that man can appreciate every night, but few even look up to see it.
I have yet, to see Vincent Van Gogh's original oil painting masterpiece, "Starry Night"... and probably never will. Maybe his painting was only meant to be appreciated by the earth's richest and most elite men...though I doubt, that any of them have ever cried when they had the opportunity to view it. I would. In the interim, I sinfully covet the opportunity to stand in-person, inside the Museum of Art located in New York City, gazing up close and personal at Van Gogh's "Starry Night". Instead, I look online at similar paintings and hope someday, that I will get the opportunity to behold 2 great masterpieces, before I die. One great work belongs to G-d, the "Aurora Borealis" and the other was gifted by the hand of G-d, to Vincent Van Gogh, his masterpiece called "Starry Night". Till then...I dream.
We live in a world so full of strife, chaos, deprivation and devastation that it is emotionally exhausting to simply watch network cable news, everyday. So for tonight... I keep the Hurricane victims in my prayers and the world's peacemakers in my prayers.
"Good Night, Shalom and Sweet Dreams!"
"Boner Appertite!"

Painting by: Alex Ruiz
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