There is a waning crescent moon expected to shine in the eastern skies over our rooftop tonight. Max, Millie and me will amble along the sandy paths stopping periodically to inspect the ancient slice of glowing luminous flux perched in the heavens, among the stars.
Ahhh...the beauty of G-d's art around our feet and above our heads and within our sight... we are blessed!
I read about the private sector, SpaceX Dragon's cargo capsule returning to earth, after spending a month in orbit. It was the conclusion to the 12th., Dragon mission, splashing down Sunday in the Pacific Ocean. The Dragon 12 capsule held 2 tons of research experiments and hardware with the life of 20 mice aboard meant to scientifically investigate the effects of space on eyesight and physical motion. One of the interesting biomedical issues being researched is finding out how and why visual impairment only happens to male astronauts in space. Another biomedical issue being investigated is the effects of Parkinson's disease in space.
There is so much exciting work being carried on in the heavens, that will continue to open up the universe to mankind, if we do not close the windows and doors to our enlightenment. Mankind cannot afford the low brow intellectuals currently serving as some of the most powerful leaders of the world, to impede the scientific progress that may save our world in the future months and years.
President John F. Kennedy was a morally flawed man, he had his short comings and imperfections, as is common to all men. Pres. Kennedy also had his outstanding strengths of intellect and reason, reflected in his better character of what an American President should embody. Kennedy was President, but worked like a Senator. He ruled with a spirit of patriotism, coupled with a sense of "noblesse oblige", that was tolerant and generous to the less fortunate. He was the "right man" at the "right time" in history, for the job of leading America through 13 dark days that teetered, seemingly on the brink of nuclear war, during the Cuban Missile Crisis with Fidel Castro. The gamble that Pres. Kennedy took was a Goliath kind of risk. One that could have had consequences that would have devastated the world, if he had miscalculated the strength of his decision, dealing with Cuba.
All Presidents have their moments of crisis, in history. Political titans, such as Kennedy and Trump, have been dealt diplomatic poker hands on their capricious rendezvous with bets on their unparalled poker stakes, in these modern times, that could vaporize all of mankind.
Kennedy's poker hand played out against Castro, ultimately ended in a peaceful resolution. Kennedy successfully navigated his path away from the Bible's "Revelationary" apocalypse; while Trump, is daily treading a precarious path with a strategic military plan, leading ever closer to the possible realization of the dreaded prophecy, of a looming biblical apocalypse.
The other great achievement of John Kennedy was the space program! He may be more remembered for this achievement, more than any other in history. Kennedy used his powerful political platform to challenge and inspire all Americans, of all ages, ethnicity and creed to aim higher. Pres. Kennedy encouraged Americans to dream beyond the stars and achieve the unachievable victory in the race for space, to put a man on the moon. Kennedy worked closely with Congress, on both sides of the political aisle, to make sure there was funding for this project...and so there was.
There is one other notable President in history that shares notoriety with Trump. Pres. Richard Nixon had his own "Space Doctrine", following Pres. Kennedy's death.
Excerpt from: The Planetary Society
written by: Jason Callahan*October 4th., 2014
Pondering the future of NASA and its sustainability, Nixon said, “We must think of [space activities] as part of a continuing process… and not as a series of separate leaps, each requiring a massive concentration of energy. Space expenditures must take their proper place within a rigorous system of national priorities. … What we do in space from here on in must become a normal and regular part of our national life and must therefore be planned in conjunction with all of the other undertakings which are important to us.”
Logsdon points to three key decisions Nixon made regarding the U.S. space program, which had long-term consequences for NASA. The three decisions were:
- To treat the space program as one area of domestic policy competing with other concerns, not as a privileged activity
- To lower U.S. ambitions in space by ending human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit for the foreseeable future and not embark on another space goal requiring a massive investment similar to Apollo
- To build NASA’s post-Apollo program around the space shuttle without establishing a specific goal or long-term strategy the shuttle would support
Professor Emeritus and The Planetary Society board member, Professor Logsdon says that Nixon’s lasting imprint on the space program was an end to human exploration of space beyond low Earth orbit in the twentieth century, and he sees the Nixon Space Doctrine and more ambitious human space exploration as incompatible. Under Nixon, NASA became just another domestic program, and the agency’s budget decreased even as it retained ambitious goals. During this time, however, NASA’s efforts did include increased international participation in U.S. human spaceflight programs.
In the question and answer portion of the talk, an audience member asked Logsdon what he saw as the biggest problem with the human space flight program today. He referenced the recent report “Pathways to Exploration” by the National Research Council on the human spaceflight program, saying that people tend to focus on Chapter Four which assesses the various technical pathways to get (eventually) to Mars, while ignoring Chapters Two and Three which show that there is no compelling public support for a human mission to Mars. Marcia Smith, former director of the Space Studies Board and publisher of, pointed out that there is also no compelling resistance to a human Mars mission. Logsdon agreed, and said that a lack of a public opinion on the matter meant that the only way out of the current situation is through Presidential leadership.
Trump's Fiscal Plans for NASA
Excerpt from the Atlantic: While the space agency would see cuts across most of its programs, it has been spared the worst compared to the government’s other research agencies.

The White House’s newly released budget request for NASA includes cuts across most of the space agency’s programs, representing a nearly 3-percent decrease in the funding approved for the 2017 fiscal year.
The education division, which usually receives $100 million each year, would get $37 million, all of which would be used to close it out. The Trump administration first signaled its desire to shutter the office in its blueprint budget, prompting shock among supporters of its popular Space Grant program, which since 1989 has funded fellowships and scholarships for students across the country.
“It could have been a lot worse,” said Casey Dreier, the director of space policy at the Planetary Society in California, of Trump’s fiscal plans for NASA. “At the same time, we have to be honest and say that this budget is not great for NASA’s stated goals of exploring Mars or of developing its next major human spaceflight projects, as there is not enough money to support either in a reasonable timeframe.”
NASA has been spared some of the worst cuts to the government’s other scientific agencies, like the Environmental Protection Agency, which Trump wants to cut by more than 31 percent, and the National Science Foundation, which is facing an 11 percent cut. Other agencies that handle medical research and disease-prevention programs would also see double-digit cuts compared to 2017 budgets. The fact that NASA would receive only a single-digit decrease makes the space agency a winner in the larger federal budget, Casey said.
I believe that our futures, live among the stars. There are global factions around the world, who want to impede scientific progress by putting all of their human energy and ingenuity into mankind's politics of a social, primordial regression, because of an overwhelming fear of both, change and progress.
I believe that our futures, live among the stars. There are global factions around the world, who want to impede scientific progress by putting all of their human energy and ingenuity into mankind's politics of a social, primordial regression, because of an overwhelming fear of both, change and progress.
We must have the right leaders who can envision a better future, that incorporates everyone on the planet. If mankind becomes extinct, like the dinosaurs, there will be no future footnotes in history... because there will be no remembrance of history. The historic works of the world and it's people will be finished... and we will return to G-d.
"Good Night, Shalom and Sweet Dreams!"
"Boner Appetite!"
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