There is a beautiful uplifting effort going on right now, spearheaded by America's 5 former Presidents, called "One America Appeal". All 5 Presidents have banded together in the Christian spirit of unity, to ask for donations in disaster relief recovery for our fellow countrymen.
This is what great Presidents and extraordinary men of honor, do for their fellow citizens, when the cry comes begging for help and rescue. Their voluntary initiative for stepping up to the plate, should not be underestimated, but their examples of altruism readily emulated and imitated, by all leaders who aspire to do great things with their lives. Their example should serve as a blue print to future up and coming young politicians who will take their place as the world's leaders, because their light is the shining beacon on the hill, that will guide others, for better or for worse, in the future.
"Thank You, Gentlemen and May G-d Bless You For Your Leadership" "Boner Appertite!"
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