Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trump's Chides Puerto Rico Debt...

Good evening! The discouraging and demeaning response of Pres. Trump, to the pleas and cries of America's extended family, devastated under the crushing blows of Hurricane Maria's destruction in the Caribbean, was shockingly unsympathetic.

It is unconscionable, during Puerto Rico's extreme deprivation and suffering, that the President should begin criticizing and shaming the Puerto Rican territorial government and its American citizens, living there, for their problems of outstanding debt. Puerto Rico does not need to be scolded by Donald Trump, of all people, trying to teach them a monetary lesson by rubbing their faces in the dirt of their budgetary failure, on national television.

It is a matter of recorded history, that America has always come to the various forms of aid/rescue of desperate and down trodden peoples living in foreign nations, spanning the globe. Maybe, that was America's one archaic Christian virtue, that was the foundation, that made her a great nation--- compassion.

And so...it is inconceivable that an American President would behave this way, toward his own citizen's in such a tragic time of desperate need.

America has forgiven many foreign country's debts to us or worked with them to restructure their debts, due to their inability to pay us back, without intentionally shaming those nations on cable network news outlets.

Pres. Trump's attitude came across as a condescending, indifferent and oblivious ignorance, to the degree of their prolonged and abject suffering. When humanity breaks down to the point where the President of the United States of America, can indifferently ignore the pleading voices of his suffering brother and sister's cries...begging for food, water, medicine and electricity; then we know the moral fiber of the nation at the highest level of power, is bereft of  one of the most basic qualities that a great leader can possess---compassion.

The office of the President of the United States of America is a position that is sworn to uphold the Constitution and to serve the people, who are citizens of the United States of America. Where is President Trump's compassion for his own people?


                                                          "Boner Appertite!"

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