I've prepared a simple dinner for Grandpoppy tonight. There's shredded roast beef mixed with Spanish rice and vegetables in a casserole, cooking in the crock pot for dinner.
The delicious smell of the rich flavors of juicy meat and tender buttered vegetables, mingled with rice are nearly irresistible. The cold salad of chopped red tomatoes, thin sliced purple onions chopped into bite size portions added to chopped garden cucumbers all mixed in a red wine vinegar and olive oil dressing, sit chilling in the ice box.The smell of the buttered yeast rolls baking in the oven till lightly browned, tempts Grandpoppy to come see, if they're ready to remove from the oven. Both man and beast gather near the round oak table by the stove, anxiously awaiting the presentation of a mouth-watering meal.
My strawberry cobbler, buttered and sprinkled with a thin coat of a glistening sugar topping, sits on the stove cooling, for our after-dinner dessert. A full kettle of Lipton's orange pekoe tea has been brewed, sweetened and pored over the ice filled glasses. The table is set! Ya' all come and sit a spell, to eat and discuss world politics with Granny, Grandpoppy and the puppies lying on the braided rug.
There has been non-stop media coverage about James Comey being fired. The Trump Administration, extending from the head of the snake to it's underbelly, has unsuccessfully attempted to explain in various and sundry versions, all the reasons why Director Comey was fired. What strikes me as odd about these people, is that none of them apparently, discussed their plan of action beforehand and let one single spokesperson handle the fallout. Has any of these Trump defenders, considered that when this political nightmare for our nation is over, every single one of these people, will have voluntarily and short-sightedly, sacrificed their future for Trump?
You may depend that Vladimir Putin is sitting back and laughing his yagoditsy off, about now. I imagine that Putin is probably congratulating himself, because he was right. Trump has proven to be his most valuable and quite, "poleznyy idiot".
There's another unanswered question. Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions, had previously recused himself from the Russian inquiry... why did he violate his previous promise of recusal to participate NOW, in the official firing of FBI Director James Comey?
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