Friday, May 12, 2017

"Where's Waldo?"

Good evening! My borrowed "Cheesy Baked Meatball" recipe is bubbling in the oven, as we speak. Our tossed salad of wild spring greens and sliced strawberries with walnuts, covered in my red wine vinegar and olive oil dressing is sitting in an antique stone crock chilling in the fridge. There's fresh shaved and salted, sweet corn in a rich buttery sauce warming on the back burner. Fresh lemon poppyseed cake with a lemon pudding icing rests on Granny's antique jade hobnail cake stand sitting on the counter for dessert. Supper is nearly ready. I still have to put the tea kettle on to brew more Lipton orange pekoe tea.

The question dogging the Trump Administration today, concerns picking a new Director to fill James Comey's vacant position. It has been reported that there are 4 possible choices to consider, currently on the Presidential clip board. Trying to cull out the best candidate to replace James Comey next, will be like trying to find "Waldo", hidden among the visitors at the grand Lincoln Memorial towering over the Reflecting Pool.

Two of the choices are impressive candidates, 1 is questionable due to a possible weak backbone impeding their future job performance and the remaining choice is a dismal prospect to rely upon, for a fair and faithful commitment to exercising, adhering and upholding the Constitution. The 4th choice has already expressed his partiality toward Donald Trump and his blatant disbelief in the face of Trump's voluntary admission, about the Trump-Russia probe and consequently, Trump's reasons to fire Comey.

If a candidate has already expressed their personal bias on television, how can that candidate be objective and lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation, independent of that bias, to fairly and impartially investigate the President's possible high crimes and misdemeanors? The next few weeks will prove to be precarious and perilous times, in the annals of American history. Everything is on the line for protecting America's democratic Constitution and the rule of law.

This is no time for weak cowards, elected to legislate and govern under the Constitution, to buckle under the threats of a an unhinged autocratic bully . United States Senators and House of Representatives need to act on what is right to save our Democracy, without conditional bias based on political party affiliations.

We are indeed, in a Constitutional crisis. It is indeed, a time for the elected powerful people in Congressional positions to act in sworn "good faith", to "DO THEIR JOBS!"

Scared, patriotic Americans are screaming in the direction pointing toward the political wilderness of Washington, D.C., saying,  "Where's Waldo?"

                                               "Good Night" and "Boner Appertite!"


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