Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary's, "YES,YOU CAN!" speech inspires...

Good morning! It's a bright afternoon with an occasional cool breeze blowing through the office window. The temperamental wind, inconveniently rustles the short stack of papers sitting on the corner of Grandpoppy's old desk. The puppies are curled up in their doggie blanket next to my leg, content to let the world go by, undisturbed and unaffected.

The magnificent speech Hillary Clinton gave at the Wellesley College Commencement Ceremony today, was like watching her find her rightful and true place in the universe. Hillary delivered a televised speech to the graduates at Wellesley and the world watching!

Her words were an absolutely indisputable, "Masterpiece"! It could not have been written or delivered by a more appropriately defined, world leader than Hillary Clinton. Simply said, "It was the best speech, she ever gave in her life!"

At the end of her speech, I found myself thinking about how privileged I felt, to hear it. Her words will linger in recorded history and inspire some young woman to go on and become a great leader one day. Today, Hillary not only met her great destiny in the presence of all those young women graduating from Wellesley College, but also in the remote realms of micro wave and radio wave transmissions heard and seen by strangers, near and far, around the world.

Sooner or later, everyone meets the ultimate moment in their life,  when they ask the universe to answer the same ancient question, that lies silently resting in the core of everyone's soul, "What is my destiny?"... "Why was I born?" or "What am I supposed to do with my life?" I believe that today, Hillary's question came closer to being answered than ever before.

Her speech about her heartfelt beliefs, gave a renewed inspiration to the hopes and dreams of young people that will either be realized or destroyed and immortalized for their future in America. She warned us that if we lose our democracy, then we have lost everything. But...she tells us that she knows, the young women sitting in the audience, can change the outcome and change the world. She made America's young women, Aunts, Mothers and Grandmothers listening, believe that as a nation,  "All is not lost". She showed us how the dream of honestly working for the altruistic good of changing the world, for the better, is still possible. We were privileged, even from a distance far away, to see her clear visions and feel her dream.

Our message to Hillary is that, "You are not used up... you still have more to offer the world."

Today, we accompanied Hillary on her journey, as a village, to meet her destiny. Now, that changes the world!

                                           "May G-d Bless You, Hillary!"

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