Wednesday, May 10, 2017

American Dictatorship and the Art of Trump's Deal

Good Morning! I got up and took our puppies out for their morning constitutional. When we returned, I made a cup of the British Harney & Sons Earl Grey tea sweetened with drizzles of wild flower honey. It was a nice light wake up beverage, that didn't disappoint.

The news this morning was very discouraging. You can rest assured that the next FBI Director will bow to the demands of his Master, because he knows that no one will save him from the tyrannical autocrat in charge. I used to believe that the elected officials in Washington, D.C. served with honor, because they valued democracy and the Constitution. I used to believe that our elected officials were the cowboys wearing the white hats following in the noble, courageous footsteps portrayed by Hollywood film characters like John Wayne. Apparently, believing in fictional characters written into scripts and performed by paid actors, was my first mistake. I was deluded since childhood, believing that men of noble, altruistic character, actually lived into the 21st. century.

America's capitalist system has had the effect of intrinsically and shamelessly inculcating itself into the fabric of America's patriarchal society producing today's nation of leaders. Now, we are reaping what we've sowed and harvesting a dismal yield of patriotic leadership originally designed and fought for the good of all Americans.

The truth is that Americans were bamboozled by a veritable flim-flam man, like the film character "Mordecai Jones", into voting for Donald Trump for President of the United States. We can either accept Pres. Trump's alter-ego, Mordecai Jones and all of his fawning and obsequious proteges chasing behind him or fight for our democracy.

This morning is a sad beginning to a day that promises more confusion and disappointment. Our country is in a death spiral right now. Democracy is dying on the vine and the governmental elected "farmers" entrusted with the sworn duty of stewardship, of America's most valuable commodity in the world doesn't care, because they are short-sightedly concerned with keeping their own privileged power. Where is their knowledge and wisdom? Do they have any knowledge or wisdom to govern?

Democracy is being exchanged on the open market for autocratic dictatorship. The highest bidder in this auction of wares, is Vladimir Putin. There's not even a struggle within the Republican party, to make the noble efforts to save America's democracy. Democracy in America, will die with barely an audible whimper from our elected Republican party leaders.

Where does America go from here? Down hill... rapidly. Donald Trump may just as well hand the keys to the White House over to Vladimir Putin, if he can cut a good real estate deal with him. Hope he holds out for the 3rd. offer, it's usually the best one.

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