While Pres. G. Dubya mislead the American public about the presence of WMD's, he didn't spend every waking moment fomenting confusion and chaos, lying to the American people. He didn't focus his energy and political clout on creating a "Constitutional Crisis", to dismantle and divide the nation. Pres. G. Dubya's Executive Cabinet advising him, didn't include a "Rasputin-like", Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. America needs reminded of Bannon's words in an interview with The Daily Beast in 2013. Bannon is a "Rasputin-like", model of a modern day anarchist. Every day, Trump displays the manifestations of his adviser and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon's recurring maxim.
In spite of mismatched qualifications and flawed aspirations to follow in the footsteps of his father, I believe G. W. Bush cared about the welfare of this country and wanted to be a good President for the American people.
Pres. Abraham Lincoln warned Americans about the results of living in a divided house. His words back then, pertained to slavery, but are just as appropriate today, in our current political climate.
Today, in a different venue, concerning a different issue, just as grave... is the issue of a "Constitutional Crisis", happening in America. The current President seems to be consciously employing political techniques devised to permanently destroy/rend the democracy our ancestors fought and died to preserve. Pres. Abraham Lincoln's exhortation and admonition needs to be heard as much today, as it was in 1863. His legacy as a political patriot and a hero remains 152 years later.
Abraham Lincoln
“A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”
So...I apologize for the criticism and calling you, the worst President in American political history. I was wrong.
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