April 14th, 2017 LA Times excerpt below:
"Keeping the visitor logs hidden from public view will protect the privacy of visitors and is meant to address security risks that may be posed if people are identified publicly, as close to Trump", White House communications director Mike Dubke said Friday.
The public and the media will be able to file requests for the logs under the Freedom of Information Act, Dubke said. Such requests often require legal action that can delay the release of records for several years.
“This new secrecy policy undermines the rule of law and suggests this White House doesn’t want to be accountable to the American people,” Tom Fitton, the group’s president, said in a statement. The move is “perfectly in line with the policy of the Obama White House” to block the complete visitor records from being released, he added.
Watchdog groups also want to know more about whom Trump is meeting with during his regular weekend trips to his resort in Palm Beach, Fla.
Today, Trump welcomed Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russia's own U.S. Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to the White House. No U.S. photojournalists were invited or allowed. The official Russian news agency, TASS photographer was present to take pictures. Later, their photos were released by Getty images, crediting TASS for the pictures. When I heard about this I immediately remembered one high school slumber party I attended. My neighbor had invited me to attend one of her slumber parties and had secretly sneaked her boyfriend in through her bedroom window. He brought some weed and she added the gin and vodka to our glasses of soda pop, from her parents unlocked liquor cabinet, while they were gone. Then minutes, before her parents returned home, she pushed him back out her bedroom window and filled the gin and vodka bottles back up to the pre-marked line(she made with her eyebrow pencil), with water. Her parents were never the wiser.
Trump displays those juvenile tendencies, to operate with the same sophomoric mentality. Apparently, he planned to "pull a fast one", on the American public, by first terminating the commonly accepted practice of exposing the White House visitor logs to public examination. Then secretly inviting the Russian diplomats to the White House, unbeknownst to the media.Unfortunately, for him, he has sowed seeds of discord with the American press corps, because he so blatantly excluded them from the photo op.
His sneaky and offensive stunt did not engender the goodwill or trust of the media. It is doubtful that he cares, as he has voiced his disdain for the media collectively, many times in the past. However, it's possible that this could have been his back-handed way of implying his own tacit rules. He could be quietly hinting that unless, the media starts getting in-line with his program, they won't be invited to the inner sanctum of the White House, to report from a first hand photo op on private occasions.
... But, this tactic doesn't take into account that it's a double-edged sword for Trump. He can punish the media with a press corps White House blackout and they can punish Trump by not giving him front page photo ops.
Ouch!... Touche!!!
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