Good evening! It's been a little humid today, but it's a lovely breezy evening, now. I've been walking in the sunshine today with Max and Millie, wandering a lonely coastline and thinking about tomorrow.
There are so many problems in the nation. The priorities are monumental. The number of priorities seem to grow daily. Each societal problem, with it's own unique intricacies, jockeying for attention, on the list of Presidential priorities needing solutions. Each of the problems need to be addressed and their solutions require Congressional passage enacted in a timely manner for the welfare of our country. It's a full plate of problems, for every legislator working in Washington, D.C.
Tomorrow is scheduled for the Trumpcare vote. It will prove to be a landmark legacy, for better or for worse. Trump's name will be permanently embedded into every overcharged healthcare premium, of every patient in America, who has a pre-existing medical condition. If voters are denied healthcare coverage due to opt-out states or overcharged unaffordable coverage premiums, it is certain that the next election cycle will remove those Republican legislators from office. Voters will turn out in droves and it is highly unlikely, that those registered voters will forget which Republican candidate betrayed them and their best interests.
If elected politicians, leave sick American voter's dying on the side of the road, outside the doors of their local hospital...that is when lobbyists bribes (better known as political donations)from high powered health insurance companies, influencing the votes and politician's agendas, won't be over-looked, forgotten or forgiven. We hope they remember that!
If that happens, Pres. Donald J. Trump will end up being hated by Americans with pre-existing medical conditions and their families who help daily to bear that hardship, as much as Pres. Herbert Hoover and Pres.Warren G. Harding. That's important to consider, if you're counting on building a Presidential Library to honor your Presidential legacy, in your post-Presidential years.
"Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"
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