Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thank You, Rod Rosenstein.

Good afternoon! Finally, in the daily barrage of Trumpolitics, the average little Joe, living in America has something to cheer about in the news, coming out of Washington, D.C. today!

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been named as an independent council and Special Prosecutor to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation. Hallelujah! America is breathing a measured sigh of relief, from the exhaustion and anxiety of Trumpolitics. This decision gives America confidence that the real truth will be exposed, whatever that reveals and wherever that leads, in order to protect our democracy! Thank G-d!

Robert Mueller, is a man who is extremely respected, has an impeccable reputation and is highly qualified for this position. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, has been well-advised to shrewdly redeem his temporarily sullied reputation, after questionably acting on the behalf of the Trump camp, in the Comey affair. Smart move.

America knows that more is required, in the way of an independent minded director to lead the FBI, unbeholden to protect Donald Trump, but beholden to protect the integrity of the Constitution of the United States of America and the rule of law, for all of the American people. Trump has seriously impeded and compromised our democracy. The continued steps of protecting our democracy and repairing the damage done, will be lengthy and extensive.

Let us hope and pray, that the next FBI Director, will not be a passively willing participant to impede progress in abbreviated investigative efforts, to find the truth of the matter. Let us hope and pray, the next chosen FBI Director will courageously work with earnest integrity, in the best interest of our democracy and the American citizens, without any mental reservations or duplicitous allegiance. May the next FBI Director inspire and renew confidence in the American citizen's hearts and minds, that we may soundly rely on the Department of Justice and the trustworthy representatives of its mighty powers. Amen.

Americans can finally sit down to eat their supper, go to bed and get a good night's sleep, confident that democracy will still exist tomorrow morning in America.

                                         "Sweet Dreams" and "Boner Appertite"


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