Good morning! It's a lovely beginning to a spring day. The house is cool with the ocean's breeze sneaking in through the window screen of Grandpoppy's office. The Pacific Ocean's zephyr blows an added sweet quality to the moist salty perfume wafting idly over the office window box of trailing red petunia's.
In the news today, Chelsea Clinton rightfully chastised Kathy Griffin's offensive video about Trump.
While we may not agree with someone's politics, there are limits to the right of free speech and its expression, that has boundaries governing all of us. The moral and ethical boundary, exists separately from legalized statutes observed and enforced in courts of law. This boundary originates from a deeply private and personally religious root, nurtured from the garden of our spirit's soul. Most of mankind's problems, stem from the long-neglected and untended gardens, living in our souls.
The one simple governing principle is an ancient tenet that guides our humanity. It seems, we live in such a fast-paced and competitive world today, selfishly composed of me, me, me... that all the old-fashioned ideas are obsolete and forgotten. When we look at kindness on a grand world scale, it is still evident that we need a world, where kindness matters. Kindness is not weakness. It is the human quality that changes the world, one person at a time.
When we forget this principle, we doom ourselves. It is the simplest and most important law of mankind, we cannot afford to forget, for the good of civilization. It is the principle of the "Golden Rule", that makes a world we all want to live in.
Good afternoon! One of the most overlooked reports today is about Pres. Trump rolling back U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations. What is the unholy purpose of trying to stall/undermine a positive working relationship with Cuba and every country around the world, who doesn't ship oil to us? Is this new political posture about trade? What is going on???
Why does Donald Trump want to alienate America from so many countries around the world? These countries have been longstanding friends. They have proven their good intentions, over many years to desire a friendly and equitable working relationship with America, outside of Russia's influence.
There have been reports this AM, that Pres. Trump has been absorbed in an internally dark state of mind, since he returned from his European tour. If this report is accurate, then I would seriously suggest for everyone's welfare, that he is immediately examined and treated by a licensed and highly qualified psychiatrist.
If the report about Pres. Trump's mental state is accurate, this is a crisis. I pray that the other powers that be, in the White House, will have the forethought to hide the nuclear codes from Trump!
Good morning! Last night I dreamed a frightening future of living in America. When I woke, I realized that it had just been a nightmare.
America used to be the place where everyone wanted to come. In the course of one week, our current President has changed the relationship with America's longstanding allies... for the worse. The current Presidential Administration makes it logical to reassess whether immigration to America is worth it? Under the new rules of the current administration, even natural citizens wonder what America will be like in the days to come? Is this the place, you really want to live? We wonder how far America will be changed into a country of autocratic control?
Greed changes people. When you live in a country that honors greed more than freedom, it changes the governmental fabric of the society you live in. When the governmental fabric of your country changes for the worse, it poses a basic question for all of society. So, while you are contemplating immigration to America, it would be worthwhile to stop and consider if America is a better place to live, than the country of your birth?
The normal American citizen does not know where our country is headed, but the fear of losing our democracy and the adoption of an autocratic government is real. Today, America is the frog that sits comfortably in the pot of water, slowly heating on the stove. The frog sits undisturbed and oblivious to the increasing warmth of the bathwater.
Will America wake up from this nightmare of a President, in time to save it's democracy?
Good evening! I am reminded that hope is a very delicate commodity in most people's lives. Hope is a quality that brightens the saddest outlook on life and inspires the will to move forward, when all else seems lost. Hope is the intangible quality that drives us to dance in the pouring rain, when others take shelter from the storm and hide with their eyes closed from fear. Hope inspires the courage to lead us through the dark valley's in life. I wouldn't want to live without it.
We are currently living one of the greatest moments in recorded history, when America is precariously teetering on the precipice of wholly obliterating democracy from the future compendiums of the American psyche.
Children born today in America, will not experience what democracy means in actual daily practice, if Trump and his basket of poisonous vipers slither through the Constitutional checks and balances of democracy unwrangled and uncontained, freely allowed to erase democracy at will. Democracy will merely become little more than a fable, read to future generations of elementary school children. Children will have no point of reference or context to accurately compare the experience of freedom to living under a dictatorship.
How could Aesop, who was a slave and storyteller of the oral tradition, living in Greece thousands of years ago, dream that his parables covering the religious, social and political issues of that time in history, would have survived in written history today? Those issues that affected the daily lives of the Greeks then, still have practical applications now.
We have forgotten the useful value of fables in modern day life. Perhaps they should be re-introduced to us, today. Would it remind and inspire us to save democracy, before it is lost? Will Americans let democracy die from widespread apathy and hopeless despair to die in ignorance?
"Don't let it end like this...tell them I said something." ~Disputed Quote of Pancho Villa upon his death~ "Good Night, Sweet Dreams and Boner Appertite!" ~Granny Annie~
Good afternoon! The sun is shining and the cool breeze blows a quietly foreboding, ill wind through our house and soon to be, every American home.
Today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told the German people, they can no longer depend on the United States as a participating ally in NATO's Article 5 Common Defense Provision. Pres. Trump had his chance to re-affirm America's commitment to unite with the other world leaders, to uphold a coalition for the good of mankind. Pres. Trump also refused to re-affirm America's commitment to the Paris climate change agreement.
German Chancellor Merkel, further tells the European people that it is time for Europe to understand they must become self-reliant. Effectively, Chancellor Merkel has announced Europe's divorce from America. This divorce is a result of America abandoning our marriage to our G7 friends. This should be a sobering moment in the minds and hearts, of all intelligent Americans, to understand that Pres. Trump has taken America away from our time-tested friends and partners of Europe. America cannot go forward to fight ISIS, adversarial regimes and multiple wars on multiple continents, ALONE.
Then there's the issue of global trade. The far-reaching implications of a break up with our marriage partners, in the global trade of imports/exports will be staggering over time. Why does Pres. Trump want to turn our old friends into new enemies?
The issue of environmental climate change, is enormous, all by itself. Pres. Trump does not care about our environment and seems hell-bent on destroying every prior enacted mechanism to protect and save our environment from global climate change. Pres. Trump denies climate change. Pres. Trump acts like he is the embodiment of Satan and his ultimate mission, is the hastening of the Apocalypse.
There are many intelligent Americans, who are afraid, but quietly ponder asking the mass of Trump supporters, "What is wrong with Pres. Trump and why would you support a man who works against your own best interests?" Now Europe asks, "What is wrong with America, that it lets a mad man lead them down the road to perdition?"
The quiet symbol of Christians is the fish symbol. Today is Sunday and Granny Annie's Politic Cafe is going to be serving up deep fried catfish fillets and creamy mashed potatoes and green beans cooked in chopped and sauteed Vidalia onions, flavored with bacon drippings. Hot honey-buttered biscuits and tall glasses of home brewed Lipton tea over ice. Fresh baked apple pie for dessert. Ya' all come and sit a spell and discuss the worries of this world.
Thanks to Trump, Germany says it can’t rely on the United States. What does that mean?
German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a crowd Sundayin Munich, Germany that Europe can no longer rely on foreign partners. Merkel on Sunday declared a new chapter in U.S.-European relations after contentious meetings with President Trump last week, saying that Europe “really must take our fate into our own hands.” Offering a tough review in the wake of Trump’s trip to visit E.U., NATO and Group of Seven leaders last week, Merkel told a packed Bavarian beer hall rally that the days when Europe could rely on others was “over to a certain extent. This is what I have experienced in the last few days.” This is an enormous change in political rhetoric. While the public is more familiar with the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States, the German-U.S. relationship has arguably been more important. One of the key purposes of NATO was to embed Germany in an international framework that would prevent it from becoming a threat to European peace as it had been in World War I and World War II. In the words of NATO’s first secretary general, NATO was supposed “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” Now, Merkel is suggesting that the Americans aren’t really in, and, by extension, Germany and Europe are likely to take on a much more substantial and independent role than they have in the past 70 years. Merkel’s comment about what she has experienced in the past few days is a clear reference to President Trump’s disastrous European tour. Her belief that the United States is no longer a reliable partner is a direct result of Trump’s words and actions. The keystone of NATO is Article 5, which has typically been read as a commitment that in the event that one member of the alliance is attacked, all other members will come to its aid. When Trump visited NATO, he dedicated a plaque to the one time that Article 5 has been invoked — when all members of NATO promised to come to the United States’ support after the attack on Sept. 11, 2001. However, Trump did not express his commitment to Article 5 in his speech to NATO, instead lambasting other NATO members for not spending enough money on their militaries. When Trump went on to the Group of Seven meeting in Italy, he declined to recommit to the Paris agreementon climate change, leaving the other six nations to issue a separate statement. This cements the impression of the United States as an unreliable partner. Trump has ostentatiously refused to express his commitment to an agreement that has been the bulwark of Europe-U.S. security relations over the past three generations. He also has declined to say that the United States will work within the previously agreed framework on global warming. While many authoritarian states are cheered by Trump’s election and actions, since he is unlikely to press them on human rights and other sore points, traditional U.S. allies are enormously disheartened. Merkel’s rhetoric is clearly intended to imply that as the transatlantic relationship grows weaker, the European Union will grow stronger. When she links Britain’s departure from the European Union with U.S. unreliability, she suggests that now that Britain is gone, it will be possible for the E.U. to concentrate on getting its own affairs in order, propelled by a stronger relationship between Germany and France. Britain always wanted to keep transatlantic security institutions, such as NATO, strong, which sometimes meant pushing back against giving the E.U. a new security role. Now that Britain is no longer going to be part of the E.U., it will no longer have veto power.
Good morning! It's a bright afternoon with an occasional cool breeze blowing through the office window. The temperamental wind, inconveniently rustles the short stack of papers sitting on the corner of Grandpoppy's old desk. The puppies are curled up in their doggie blanket next to my leg, content to let the world go by, undisturbed and unaffected.
The magnificent speech Hillary Clinton gave at the Wellesley College Commencement Ceremony today, was like watching her find her rightful and true place in the universe. Hillary delivered a televised speech to the graduates at Wellesley and the world watching!
Her words were an absolutely indisputable, "Masterpiece"! It could not have been written or delivered by a more appropriately defined, world leader than Hillary Clinton. Simply said, "It was the best speech, she ever gave in her life!"
At the end of her speech, I found myself thinking about how privileged I felt, to hear it. Her words will linger in recorded history and inspire some young woman to go on and become a great leader one day. Today, Hillary not only met her great destiny in the presence of all those young women graduating from Wellesley College, but also in the remote realms of micro wave and radio wave transmissions heard and seen by strangers, near and far, around the world.
Sooner or later, everyone meets the ultimate moment in their life, when they ask the universe to answer the same ancient question, that lies silently resting in the core of everyone's soul, "What is my destiny?"... "Why was I born?" or "What am I supposed to do with my life?" I believe that today, Hillary's question came closer to being answered than ever before.
Her speech about her heartfelt beliefs, gave a renewed inspiration to the hopes and dreams of young people that will either be realized or destroyed and immortalized for their future in America. She warned us that if we lose our democracy, then we have lost everything. But...she tells us that she knows, the young women sitting in the audience, can change the outcome and change the world. She made America's young women, Aunts, Mothers and Grandmothers listening, believe that as a nation, "All is not lost". She showed us how the dream of honestly working for the altruistic good of changing the world, for the better, is still possible. We were privileged, even from a distance far away, to see her clear visions and feel her dream.
Our message to Hillary is that, "You are not used up... you still have more to offer the world."
Today, we accompanied Hillary on her journey, as a village, to meet her destiny. Now, that changes the world!
Tonight, the moon's purpose has been overcome by thick, cloudy darkness. There is no discernible pearly glow suspended from the heavens, to illuminate the path forward for me and the puppies, on our journey. It feels like the same kind of augury, overshadowing America's hope for a better future.
It remains an undisputed fact, that there is an absolute correlation between a repressive government and the lack of a free press in a country.
Thomas Jefferson admonished his fellow Americans about the illusion of freedom. He exhorted all Americans to remain vigilant protecting the 1st. Amendment, specifying the right to free speech. He warned that there is no freedom, if there is no free press. Both Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were very emphatic about the distortion of democracy and its stewardship, throughout their lives.
We now live in an era, where America stands precariously perched on the philosophical precipice of abdicating the tenets of democracy and turning her back on the Constitution. When our elected leaders publicly use their powerful positions to demean and degrade our free press, it has a very real influence on the mindset of average American citizens. Ultimately, it results in a biased and negatively skewed perception about free press organizations, their reports and dissemination of the news, that reaches into every home in America. It unscrupulously undermines, systematically dismantles and effectively endangers everyone's right to free speech.
Our elected leaders political currency is their public persona. Their image and influence affects the actions and reactions of all American citizens, to one degree or another. When the President speaks, his words do matter. Puppet Masters, Steve Bannon and KellyAnne Conway... know it.
Benjamin Franklin said:
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved,” wrote Founding Father Benjamin Franklin in The Pennsylvania Gazette. Thomas Jefferson said:
"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823. ME 15:491
"The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816. ME 14:384
"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME 5:181, Papers 8:632
"Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it." --Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1786.
Good evening! Tonight, I found myself thinking about some of my loved ones who have passed away, on my way to Walmart.
The questions we all ask about death, life and our purpose on earth, become even more profound to us, as we age. Especially, when we realize that we are truly here, for just a little while. As we grow older, we naturally become less of the person we remember, reflected in our memory. We start thinking about what we will be leaving behind us, when we die. And hopefully, if we haven't already done it, we begin living toward that end.
I sat in my car for a few minutes after I was parked. I thought of the news reports about the AHCA bill and the destruction it will bring to America.
I thought about what modern day genocide would be like, if it happened in America, Would this genocide be disguised as the AHCA bill? I wondered how that could happen here? Then, I wondered, "What would our country be like if it were without poor people? What would America be like, if there were no hungry people anywhere in America? What would America be like, without the mentally/physically disabled? What would America be like, if there were only healthy, highly educated, young people living in America... who didn't have the time to grow old or sick?"
What kind of America will our children and grandchildren live in tomorrow?
If the AHCA bill passes, it will stop/reduce food stamps to our poorest and most vulnerable citizens. It would do the same to Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid programs. There are other programs designed to help the mentally ill and the homeless, that would also be cut. There are low/no cost child vaccination clinics, WIC and food stamp programs that would meet their demise. What are the alternatives left for the poor, indigent, needy families in America?
It has been a common practice among most churches in America, to reach out to the needy citizens living in their communities, through the charity of church food pantries. They are often the last and only alternative to many people. This is why America's churches would be overwhelmed and consumed with the needs of its congregational communities. Whole towns and whole cities would be affected by the passage of the proposed AHCA bill. Churches who answer the cry for help in their communities will become even more important, religiously and politically in every community. Who else will help feed our hungry children and families, if our tax-paid politicians working on the behalf of our government refuses? What churches in America will directly care for it's poor and sick people? ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Avenue F Family Health Center________________
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles to improve one's own health
in order to be of benefit and service to others.
Avenue F Family Health Center Information
1026 F Ave, Plano TX 75074
For Appointments Call: 972.423.8833
Open Mondays & Wednesdays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Doctor available from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Donation Amt
Donation Amt
(Medical equipment is available on a limited basis and the clinic may suggest an additional donation)
(Si se necesita usar el equipo medico se le pueda una donacion adicional)
You will not be asked to dontate more than $50 in one patient visit
No sera requeiro que done mas de $50.00 por cita por Paciente
Avenue F Family Health Center (AFFHC) is a charitable clinic which evolved as the grassroots efforts of nurses in a church health ministry, Fit for Service. Fit for Service provided free health screenings, health and wellness educational programs and immunization clinics. Being compelled by the disparities observed during the health screenings, limited education and lifestyle choices of those served, the AFFHC developed. AFFHC is designed to provide primary healthcare services and health education and wellness programs that promote healthy lifestyles. Ms. Pamela Nelson, RN, Chief Executive Officer is a community leader and advocate for healthcare issues. She has a diverse background in nursing including nurse leadership roles and clinical research consulting which provide the launch pad for the many activities to decrease disparities and inequalities in healthcare services and providers.
Avenue F Family Health Center was conceptualized in October 2011. The clinic opened October 2012. The clinic design includes provisions for primary care, health screenings and programs that educate the general public about healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, early detection and making decisions about improving self health and the health of others. Through collaboration with Baylor Medical Center of Plano, the clinic is able to provide primary care to uninsured residents that live in target area of 75074 and 75075 zip codes which encompasses the communities known as East Plano and the Douglas Community.
Dr. Jacqueline da Silva Stephen is the Medical Director for the clinic. She has an extensive background being a health champion for the uninsured people. Prior to working with AFFHC, Dr. Stephen was a physician at City Square of Dallas, a clinic serving uninsured residents in Dallas County. Additional services such as cardiac care and gastroenterology services are provided through discounted services provided by Health Texas Provider Network.
The clinic is staffed by volunteers. The executive director, nursing staff, laboratory technicians and counselors volunteer countless hours to ensure that the needs of the community are met.
If the AHCA bill passes in the Republican Congress, this will be the kind of America existing tomorrow. We will have the Republican party politicians to thank for it. Why won't the Republican party simply repair what is broken with the current Obamacare system? No one is denying that repair and improvement couldn't be used to help every American citizen. It is clear to the other 98% of Americans, that we need a socially protective safety net for the masses of people who live in financial jeopardy daily. People who do not earn $100,000 to $1,000,000 dollars and have no other viable alternative to a church's gift of charity. How can we be truly united in our humanity, if we do not care for our neediest fellow man?
England, you are our Mother country. Please know that we are praying for every brother and sister living across the pond from us, this night. Our hearts are broken at the horrific news of your pain and terror. Please feel even the smallest measure of comfort, in knowing-- we care deeply for you. We are united in our humanity and sorrow for your losses. We love you, England!
Good evening! Granny Annie's Cafe Politics tonight, centers around government-issued ethics waivers.What is an ethics waiver? Who uses an ethics waiver? How do you apply for one? Why?
It's important to know the answer, in order to figure out... who's raiding the hen house! Well, butter my biscuits, as luck would have it, Granny Annie has an answer.
For supper tonight, Grandpoppy and I will be dining on breakfast fare. A stack of buttermilk pancakes with a generous dollop of melting Irish butter dripping off the soft, brown cakes into the plate of hot Maple-Pecan syrup. There's another plate filled with cheesy scrambled eggs topped with sliced fresh avocados on the left. A plate of crispy, hickory cured bacon stacked 4" high and a bowl full of country style milk gravy with sausage crumbles added for flavor, sits on the center of the table. A fresh hot pot of liquid thunder(coffee)served with Hazelnut creamer and a tall carafe of fresh orange juice, to the right. YUM! Call your friends, family, in-laws and outlaws alike and gather around Granny Annie's kitchen table for supper and good conversation.
It kind of reminds me, of Ma and Pa Kettle, back when the kids were home. Ma yelling her loud, coarse voiced invitation, "Come and get it!" Immediately, everyone piles in at the dinner table to eat. Pa, who is the hillbilly paterfamilias, sitting at the head of the table, stops to admonish his children. He tells them not to forget to say grace. He tells them to bow their heads, lifts up his tattered brown derby with the hole in it and summarily says..."Grace."
White House Moves To Block Disclosure Of Ethics Waivers For Trump Appointees
May 22, 20176:00 PM ET
By Peter Overby
From NPR
The White House is blocking a move by the Office of Government Ethics to compile waivers of federal ethics rules that have been granted to officials hired into the administration from corporations and lobbying firms.
At the same time, an anti-Trump legal group has filed suit to make those waivers public.
The White House action, a letter to OGE Director Walter M. Shaub Jr. from Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, was first reported by The New York Times. The newspaper had earlier published a detailed account of lobbyists turned appointees who were granted waivers and now oversee regulations they previously had lobbied against.
With an ethics waiver, a federal official is free to act on matters that normally would trigger concerns about conflicts of interest or other ethical problems. Federal regulations say the waivers generally should be made public on request. The Obama administration routinely posted waivers online. The Trump administration has issued an unknown number and released none.
Shaub notified the White House and federal agencies in April that OGE wanted to see all ethics waivers issued by President Trump's administration. He set June 1 as the deadline. The broad request is known as a data call.
Mulvaney notified Shaub in a letter last week that the data call "appears to raise legal questions regarding the scope of OGE's authorities." He said he wanted the data call put on hold until it is reviewed by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, which advises the executive branch on constitutional questions and limits of executive power. The move could block the request for waivers indefinitely.
Under federal regulations, OGE is supposed to oversee all waiver decisions throughout the government.
"OGE has a right to review any waiver," said former OGE Assistant Director Stuart Gilman. Referring to the data call, he said, "It's not like somehow or other this is a special case."
An anti-Trump legal group, American Oversight, sued eight federal departments and agencies on Monday, arguing that ethics waivers should be released under the Freedom of Information Act. American Oversight had previously filed FOIA requests.
The Trump administration and OGE are fighting on other fronts, as well:
OGE earlier this month announced a new certification document for Cabinet secretaries and other top-ranking appointees to show they are fulfilling the ethics agreements they signed before being confirmed by the Senate. Ethics agreements typically commit a nominee to avoid ethics violations through a blind trust, divestiture, recusal or similar action.
The document must be signed by the official. As with tax returns and other federal documents, false statements run the risk of penalties. There was no previous oversight of compliance.
The White House has raised a conflict-of-interest question to challenge newly appointed special counsel Robert Mueller, who will oversee the FBI's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The issue is that other lawyers at Mueller's former law firm represent presidential daughter Ivanka Trump; her husband, Jared Kushner; and onetime Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Mueller never worked for those clients, but under ethics law he still could require a waiver for his new job. It's worth noting that while the White House suggests conflicts for Mueller, it obtained an ethics agreement for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. He needed it because, in his previous job as Oklahoma attorney general, he was a plaintiff in several lawsuits challenging EPA regulations.
Last winter, Shaub used Twitter to exhort Trump into putting his hundreds of corporations into a blind trust. Trump instead put them into a revocable trust, where he can draw money from his businesses whenever he wants.
Hello and Good day! It is a hot and humid wind that blows through the wood framed window of Grandpoppy's office. There's laser-like sunshine, that feels like a fervent heat outside, toasting my skin, both yesterday and today. The sky is a lovely cloudless, turquoise blue. The puppies and I have enjoyed a long walk on the beach. My seagrass sun hat has only blown off twice, sending us scurrying to catch it, in the ocean's relentless waves..
What is interesting in the news today, is that Melania is reportedly, concerned about the loyalty of her husband's staff. Media reports that she has previously called her husband to discuss this issue and Sean Spicer's questionable suitability, to remain in his position as the White House Press Secretary.
I find it rather suspect, that she has found her own politically strategic voice, after 12 years of being Trump's silent marriage partner. Suddenly, the woman standing silently behind and beside Donald Trump, is stepping forward to weigh in with her own political opinions? It would be quite odd, if Donald Trump has given Melania the infrequent and unusual opportunity to openly assert her own political pronouncement... independent, of his approval?
She has previously, never "gone rogue". She has never appeared confidently and politically ambitious enough, to influence any previous decisions regarding political staff performance and evaluations. When has Melania ever made staff assignments in Pres. Trump's cabinet? It seems unusual, that she is now, diverting from the focus of her existence. Her domain of experience has been domestic issues of parenting, beauty, lifestyle and fashion. So, what's wrong with this picture?
Remember, this is the same woman, who possibly plagiarized a mirror image of a portion of Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic National Convention speech back in July 2016 at the Republican National Convention's opening night. It is a fact, that frequently, convention speeches are written by campaign aides. There is no clearly trusted and provable evidence of who, actually wrote Melania's speech.
The basic conundrum about trusting Melania's alleged evaluation of Sean Spicer's job performance, is her sudden instrumental, looming appearance in the spotlight of Trump's politically strategic arena. It seems strange that suddenly, Melania's invoking her spousal privilege of marital influence, over her husband's strategic political choices, in the "hiring and firing" of the White House's chiefly positioned personnel?
There's a possibility, that the Trump camp doesn't think anyone else has caught on to one of the world's most commonly used and ancient marital tactics, per se. It's an established practice all married people strategically and commonly employ at various times during their wedded union.
When you don't know how to get out of a sticky situation, just blame your spouse.
Good afternoon! It's Friday and democracy still lives and breathes in America. Pres. Trump is off on his tour of Europe and the Middle East. There is a conversation going on in Washington, D.C. and across middle America, about Mike Pence inheriting a job promotion, to the role of President. Trump's Presidential campaign words of August 2016, bear repeating in a little different context. Trump spoke to African-Americans, Hispanics and Latino's sitting in the Akron, Ohio audience, asking, "What do you have to lose?"
Today, those same words make a good point, worth considering. What would a Pres. Pence bring to the Oval Office, different from Pres. Trump?
CNBC Politics
It’s time to consider what Mike Pence would be like as president
Rob Cox
What would Mike Pence do? That's the question global investors may ponder amid the woes of U.S. President Donald Trump. There is a whiff of impeachment in the air in Washington following the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the FBI's probe into Russian government ties with the real-estate developer's electoral campaign. Trump's departure may still be an unlikely outcome, but the 45th president's flawed stewardship of the office should be prompting risk managers to run their rules over alternatives. In the first instance, that means assessing the economic views of the vice president, next in line should Trump leave the Oval Office prematurely. The truth is, both financiers and Republican lawmakers might vastly prefer the current number two.
Pence, who is a former Indiana governor and 12-year veteran of the House of Representatives, has a solidly conservative record. In 2008, he voted against Washington's $700 billion financial-system bailout, a decision he defended through last year's election. A year later, Pence opposed Obama's $80 billion rescue of General Motors and the rest of the auto industry. "Though I am proud of the American automotive tradition and Indiana's ongoing role it, I even opposed bailing out GM and Chrysler," he said in 2010, arguing it would have been better for GM to reorganize without taxpayer help. That's all the more surprising given the bailout paid off palpably for his Hoosier constituents. A few years later, Indiana was able to point to U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis statistics showing only one other state in the nation derived more of its economic output from the car business than Indiana. In 2011, the language of a bill Pence co-sponsored ultimately surfaced in a piece of legislation that permanently extended tax relief provisions from 2001 and 2003, repealed the estate tax and provided relief from the alternative minimum tax, according to Govtrack – all tweaks that tend to help richer folks. Naturally, Pence voted against the Dodd-Frank Act, which regulated banks more stringently after the 2008 crisis, and against imposing regulation on the subprime-mortgage industry. He has favored making it more difficult for individuals to wipe away their debts in bankruptcy. He has consistently opposed increases in the minimum wage, too. In the House, he argued against efforts to increase the pay floor to $7.25 an hour, calling it "irresponsible and unwise," though the measure ultimately passed. In his first year as a governor, he signed a bill barring local governments from requiring businesses to pay higher wages, or offer benefits like paid sick leave, if not mandated by state or federal law, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana. Summing up his tenure as governor the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a think tank that swings to the left, noted that the state's GDP growth slightly lagged that of the nation as a whole, as did Indiana's private-sector job growth. "A conservative achievement this is not," CEPR wrote in a report last October. A blowout success or not, it's not sufficiently original thinking to require the coining of the term Pence-onomics. Instead, it reflects an orthodox, trickle-down conservative belief system, with a preference towards policies that benefit providers of capital over employees. That should appeal to many people in business and finance, as well as to GOP lawmakers, even if it could turn off liberal Democrats and the more self-described compassionate of conservatives. Meanwhile, Pence's motivation appears to be his ideology rather than personal gain. His public financial disclosures show a man of modest means. Apart from his $109,749 salary as governor, some $15,000 in a bank account and a state pension potentially worth $1 million on an actuarial basis, there's little to hint at Trump-like conflicts between the interests of the United States and those of his family (unless Pence's wife's ownership of a small "That's My Towel Charm Inc" crafts business counts). This doesn't prove Pence's bona fides, but it does potentially remove one of the obstacles Trump has faced with his agenda, particularly tax reform. Given his personal and family interests in the outcome, many in Congress, including members of his own party, are skeptical of his intentions. That shouldn't be a concern with Pence, and some liberals might even take pity on him given that his disclosed student-loan liabilities as a parent appear to exceed his financial assets. Perhaps the vice president's most comforting quality, however, is his temperament, especially in contrast to Trump. Solidly Midwestern mores on matters such as gay marriage do not please liberals on America's coasts. But the silver-haired lawyer's deliberative demeanor – which inspired Trump to suggest he comes from "central casting" for the role of vice president – along with the absence of a Twitter addiction would probably placate investors of all political persuasions. The vice president has his own issues to confront. The New York Times reported this week that the Trump transition team knew Michael Flynn was under federal investigation and still brought him in as national security adviser. Flynn lost his job after failing to tell the vice president he was the subject of a law-enforcement inquiry. Should Trump be removed from office, what Pence knew, and when, would need to be untangled. Pence doesn't, however, seem to have much to hide. His record on economic and fiscal matters is solidly conservative. His finances appear clean. His demeanor is cool. He'd have to explain one perplexing thing, though: why he so solidly supported a president with none of these attributes.
Good evening! Why is the sale of $110 Billion dollars worth of military industrial weapons to Saudi Arabia, an important deal for Trump? Is it for bragging rights, so Trump can make an international exhibition of his brinkmanship, including this exposition of his global deal making abilities? Or something else?
Why wasn't Pres. Obama's previous sale of $115 Billion dollars in arms/weapons to the Saudi's enough, back in Sept 2016? Why are more arms/weapons necessary for the Saudi's to obtain now? Jeffrey Prescott, a senior director on Pres. Obama's National Security Council said something seriously worth considering. He said, "We had been trying to use the leverage we had, to get the Saudi's and the Emirati's to the table to negotiate." Mr. Prescott added, "One of the things to look at, is whether we are getting into someone else's conflict?"
The Israeli's are nervous and wary of this deal, because of Trump sharing classified Israeli's intelligence to the Russian's. This revelation is not "bigly" surprising. It would be safe to assume they may never trust America's White House again.
When Trump attends the NATO summit meeting in Brussels, will he spend his time regaling the 28 independent member countries, with his tales of unparalleled, "bigly" success in the Saudi arms/weapons deal? Will Trump voice support for the continued existence of the 1949 NATO Alliance or argue for it's total dismantling and perhaps, a modern reconstruction? Will Pres. Trump have been tutored and forearmed with enough knowledge, about the NATO Alliance and it's member countries to even be able to intelligently participate with them in discussions? Will his uncouth manners, oafishly insult any of them, as has been his past characteristic behavior? Dear G-d, forbid!
The story of Cinderella going to the Ball, reminds me somewhat, of Trump attending the NATO Conference in Brussels. Trump will be in attendance with many well-respected and influential delegates, in the circle of the stylish and sophisticated upper echelons of the diplomatic societal representatives of NATO. However, I can imagine Trump sharing the personification of Cinderella's sisters, in the uncouth, loutish way, he might try to ingratiate himself. As with Cinderella's sisters being spurned by the Prince hosting the ball, Trump's braggadocio temperament could be thwarted with rejection/ejection from the ball. It would be an unfortunate disaster for America, if Trump acts unadvisedly, unleashing his unsophisticated troglodyte-like behavior, at this ball.
The last thing our country needs is an ungracious reputation attributed to her and more enemies against her. Somebody at the White House ought to tell Donald, just like a mother would do, when her child leaves the house to go alone to his first important and quasi-mature, social event..."Remember... have a good time, but behave yourself."
"Good Night...Sweet Dreams" and "Boner Appertite!"
Good afternoon! Finally, in the daily barrage of Trumpolitics, the average little Joe, living in America has something to cheer about in the news, coming out of Washington, D.C. today!
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been named as an independent council and Special Prosecutor to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation. Hallelujah! America is breathing a measured sigh of relief, from the exhaustion and anxiety of Trumpolitics. This decision gives America confidence that the real truth will be exposed, whatever that reveals and wherever that leads, in order to protect our democracy! Thank G-d!
Robert Mueller, is a man who is extremely respected, has an impeccable reputation and is highly qualified for this position. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, has been well-advised to shrewdly redeem his temporarily sullied reputation, after questionably acting on the behalf of the Trump camp, in the Comey affair. Smart move.
America knows that more is required, in the way of an independent minded director to lead the FBI, unbeholden to protect Donald Trump, but beholden to protect the integrity of the Constitution of the United States of America and the rule of law, for all of the American people. Trump has seriously impeded and compromised our democracy. The continued steps of protecting our democracy and repairing the damage done, will be lengthy and extensive.
Let us hope and pray, that the next FBI Director, will not be a passively willing participant to impede progress in abbreviated investigative efforts, to find the truth of the matter. Let us hope and pray, the next chosen FBI Director will courageously work with earnest integrity, in the best interest of our democracy and the American citizens, without any mental reservations or duplicitous allegiance. May the next FBI Director inspire and renew confidence in the American citizen's hearts and minds, that we may soundly rely on the Department of Justice and the trustworthy representatives of its mighty powers. Amen.
Americans can finally sit down to eat their supper, go to bed and get a good night's sleep, confident that democracy will still exist tomorrow morning in America.
Good morning! It's the start to a lovely day, bearing more questions and a greater sense of concern about the core of oversight in Washington, D.C.'s official governance.
Why hasn't the Republican Senate issued subpoenas to get the truth from the White House and Pres. Trump yet? Why has the main Republican leaders remained silent and dismissive of Trump's highly questionable and egregious behavior? Why does our enemy, the notorious Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin offer transcripts of his Russian representatives conversation during their visit with Pres. Trump in the White House?
Our country is in a great turmoil that threatens to split our nation right down the middle, rivaling the other great turmoil recorded in the history of America's Civil War. The core issue at stake then, resulted in the passage of the 13th. Amendment of the Constitution in 1864, permanently abolishing slavery in America. It is generally accepted that it happened because of the wise and trustworthy leadership of Pres. Abraham Lincoln.
There is a great fear spreading across America, that we are losing our democracy and it's being replaced by an autocracy in the White House. We do not have a President, we can believe will tell the impartial truth. Instead we are guaranteed, Trump will only tell his "Alternative Truth". His constant lies are emboldened by the support of his slick Crisco-dipped lackey's and the politicians of the Republican party trying to advance their own hidden selfish agendas.
When I was a child, in school, our class always had to start the day saying the, "Pledge of Allegiance". Every child stood by their desk with their right hand placed over their heart, meant as a demonstrated sign of our individual promises of fidelity. We looked at the classroom flag, as we repeated the memorized words daily. Today, I look around our nation and can't help but wonder, where has the valuable core tenets of American citizenship and patriotism over personal enrichment gone? Perhaps the answer lies in the examination of the question, "WHY", it has seemingly disappeared over time?
Our country has indeed, woken up to a "Constitutional Crisis".
Did you know that:
Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do many government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. It is also commonly recited in school at the beginning of every school day, although theSupreme Courthas ruled inWest Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnettethat students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, nor can they be punished for not doing so. All states except four (Hawaii,Iowa,VermontandWyoming) give time for the pledge to be recited as part of the school day.[8]A number of states, includingOhioandTexas, have adoptedstate flagpledges of allegiance to be recited after this.[9]
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag—"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."—should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform.
Good evening! For those of us who have lived through the "Watergate" era, this current political debacle is disturbingly familiar in a strikingly, "Nixonesque" way. Nixon had his mysteriously famous W. Mark Felt, better known as, "Deep Throat". Will Trump have a ..."Sore Throat"?
In the "Watergate" era, 7 men supported and abetted the illegal activities of former Pres. Richard Nixon. Seven complicit men, who shamelessly and intentionally aided Nixon, in his attempted cover up to obstruct justice. Apparently, all of Trump's Administration, must have been home sick with the flu, when this important chapter in Modern American History class, was taught in school. I wonder, how many people in Trump's Administration are willing to sacrifice their lives and careers, to go to jail for Trump?
It appears any bonafide investigation will require subpoena's, in order to drain, dig and scratch the truth out from this unholy Presidential quagmire. How long will the Republican Senators and Republican Congressmen keep ignoring/covering for the most incompetent and ignorant President in American history, literally? Is Trump getting away with selling America down the river to the aspirations of Vladimir Putin and Russia's national fancy?
Why won't all the politicians in power in Washington, D.C., unify to do what is right for our country? Can't they see, that patriotism over partisanship, will be especially meaningful, when votes are counted in 2018?
Where is Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan? Where is the courage of the "Republican movers and shakers", in Congress? Where are they all hiding?
Foreseeing Donald Trump's destiny does not require ESP, gypsy fortune tellers, crystal balls or the exotic talent of Miss Cleo. The divining of Pres. Trump's future, is more aptly imagined as a camera making a movie, perched atop a mountain, filming 2 speeding locomotives bearing down a single train track toward each other, resulting in an inevitable and catastrophic crash. Washington, D.C. politicians, political aides and advisers will be the philosophical dead and injured passengers from that train crash, thrown everywhere in the aftermath of Trump's Presidential term of office. Except, this crash of powerful locomotives won't happen on a railroad track, between a national park and some rural, sparsely populated valley, in the middle of nowhere. This titanic collision will happen in America's shining city, set on Capitol Hill, for the world to see. Trump will be meeting Comey, at his Presidential "Waterloo".
"STOP THE MADNESS!!!" Granny's nerves can't take much more of it. I'm starting to get whiplash from the daily jolts of waking up to the world-wide backlash of White House revelations.
There is something beyond wrong here! What is really going on?
Today's "Breaking News", on every television channel, is so disturbing on so many levels, that this latest news is again, INCREDIBLE!!!... and not in a good way.
If Pres. Trump did actually disclose any sensitive and classified government intelligence to the Russians this last week, there should be credible confirmation easily available and forthcoming.
If this allegation does prove true and factually correct in its report, would this be considered a crime? Would treason or espionage, apply? If Hillary Clinton had disclosed any sensitive and classified government intelligence to the Russians in the Oval office, what would have happened to her? Can anyone trust Pres. Trump or his Crisco dipped lackey's, to tell "alternative facts" or that other truth, ya' know ...the real one?
For months, people have been asking what Trump would do if we had a "National Crisis"? The question most people didn't ask, but should have, is the one we now face. "Would Trump create a National Crisis, due to his suspiciously friendly and overly amiable relationship with the Russians?" Has Trump compromised our national security?
This is only day 115, in a 1460 day cycle of his Presidential term of office.
Either Donald Trump is ignorantly incompetent in the performance of his Presidential duties, or he is willingly guilty of collusion in mishandling American-Russian foreign affairs, disclosing and dispersing classified information.
Melania Trump is pretty smart to stay put and save herself the inconvenience of moving back and forth. It seemed a little suspicious, at first following Trump's Presidential win, why didn't his family move into the White House immediately? Clearly, after 12 years of marriage, Melania knows her husband well. "Nuff said".
Granny Annie is serving some fresh baked, "Impeachment Pie", for dessert. Pepto-Bismo is available a la carte. 7-Up or a tall glass of Sodium Bicarbonate, is offered for delicate constitutions, at no extra charge
Years ago, I criticized former Pres. George W. Bush, because I thought he was unqualified for the job of President of the United States. I thought he was doing a "bad" job, of running the country. Today I am humbled, because looking back on history in a sunlit mirror of national reflection, I can clearly see that Bush 43 was a better President, than our current President. The current narcissistic, lunatic sitting in the White House's Oval Office, overshadows G. Dubya's Presidency, by a mile. The nature of G. Dubya's character, wasn't deliberately mean, revengeful or crazy.
While Pres. G. Dubya mislead the American public about the presence of WMD's, he didn't spend every waking moment fomenting confusion and chaos, lying to the American people. He didn't focus his energy and political clout on creating a "Constitutional Crisis", to dismantle and divide the nation. Pres. G. Dubya's Executive Cabinet advising him, didn't include a "Rasputin-like", Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. America needs reminded of Bannon's words in an interview with The Daily Beast in 2013. Bannon is a "Rasputin-like", model of a modern day anarchist. Every day, Trump displays the manifestations of his adviser and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon's recurring maxim.
In spite of mismatched qualifications and flawed aspirations to follow in the footsteps of his father, I believe G. W. Bush cared about the welfare of this country and wanted to be a good President for the American people.
Pres. Abraham Lincoln warned Americans about the results of living in a divided house. His words back then, pertained to slavery, but are just as appropriate today, in our current political climate.
Today, in a different venue, concerning a different issue, just as grave... is the issue of a "Constitutional Crisis", happening in America. The current President seems to be consciously employing political techniques devised to permanently destroy/rend the democracy our ancestors fought and died to preserve. Pres. Abraham Lincoln's exhortation and admonition needs to be heard as much today, as it was in 1863. His legacy as a political patriot and a hero remains 152 years later.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”
“I’m a Leninist,” Steve Bannon told a writer for The Daily Beast, in late 2013. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”