I've been thinking about W.C. Fields today and that he truly was a "Sage of the Stage". In one interview, W. C. Fields explained himself, saying, "I'm afraid of everybody-I'm just a great big frightened bully. There's a lot of that in human nature. When people laugh at me, they're laughing at themselves."
I remembered another of W. C. Fields self-defining descriptions he cloaked in witticism that has endured the passage of time, because of it's timeless and encouraging truth. While Trump may never hear this message, (because, it might actually do him some good), I hope someone will lay it at his feet, put it on his desk, tape it on a bathroom mirror, leave it at his bedside or make a doormat with it written on it for him. W.C. Fields gave some good mental health advice concerning criticism,... he said,
"It ain't what they call you,...it's what you answer to."
P.S. W.C. Fields RIP
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