Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Valentine's Day Wish

I wish you warm loving embraces from the ones who are dear to you. I wish you gentle sweet kisses that linger on your face, given from your Grandchild's heart and soul.  I wish you peace in the midst of turmoil and hope that lifts a sagging soul in the moments of deepest tragedy and despair, to believe in what is good again. I wish fear to be a far-off enemy that never materializes in your world of reality. I wish you good health to reach your destiny on time. I wish that good health is easily preserved and restored to you and your loved ones along this scary path in time. I wish you liberty protected by the Bill of Rights and our American Constitution, unmolested by any foreign/domestic dictators. No matter your religion, race, wealth or lack thereof, weight or stature, nationality or brand of politics; today,... I wish you true friendship,happiness and love on Valentine's Day! Today, I wish you spiritual and material prosperity, a homemade hot meal and a warm, safe bed to lie your head down in while you sleep, whether in a house or under the stars.  Amen.

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